Inter transfer market, Swedish talent Bergvall is liked

Inter are also joining the race for Lucas Bergvall, the midfielder born in 2006 from Djugarden considered probably the best talent in Swedish football at the moment. The Nerazzurri have asked for information on him, identified as a possible strike in prospect. However, there will be competition from many other big clubs to beat: among these, Barcelona has already made its move, currently ahead in the race for the player.

Who is Lucas Bergvall

Eighteen years to go next February 2, Bergvall is a central midfielder and has played for Djurgarden, in the top flight of Swedish football, since December 2022. In the 2023 season (with the championship ending in November) he collected 25 appearances, scoring 2 goalsand also joined the Swedish national team Under 21, finding the goal on his debut in the 4-0 against the same age group of Moldova. He also made his debut in Europe with his club, in the Conference League preliminary round lost against Lucerne last summer.

1970-01-01 00:00:00
#Inter #transfer #market #Swedish #talent #Bergvall


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