Former Knicks RJ Barrett and Immanuel Quickley receive warm welcome at Madison Square Garden

NBA – Back at Madison Square Garden, RJ Barrett and Immanuel Quickley received a very warm welcome from their former fans.

If the Knicks easily dominated the Raptors, RJ Barrett et Immanuel Quickley still enjoyed their return to Madison Square Garden. The new Raptors were thus acclaimed by their old fans.

“It was great, just to be back” explains Immanuel Quickley. “Obviously, it wasn’t the result we were hoping for… but just seeing everyone, where it all started professionally, was cool.”

Sentiment confirmed by RJ Barrett.

“It was incredible. A big thank you to the fans, that’s for sure. We received our tribute video… I didn’t think we would get it. It was cool. I really enjoyed my time here. Coming back was a lot of emotions, that’s for sure. But it was nice to come back and play basketball there again.”

The video was broadcast in the first quarter, triggering an ovation from Madison Square Garden. A surprise for RJ Barrett because the Knicks don’t usually make these kinds of videos.

“These guys are special talents” explained Julius Randle. “I had a special relationship with them. I know they explained how much I meant to them, but they also meant a lot to me. »

New links to create in Toronto

The strong winger explains that his former comrades helped him progress as a leader.

“Talking about leadership, the way I behave, being open, being honest, being motivated, these are things that I didn’t necessarily have in mind when I arrived”

details the former Lakers and Pelicans. “I always wanted to lead by example, play hard every night. But these guys brought out another side of me. The relationship I have with them is extremely special. »

From now on, RJ Barrett and Immanuel Quickley are Raptors, and they need to build new links.

” That takes time. It’s like meeting a new girl. You can’t just…you have to take the time to get to know her. You have to take him to a restaurant, things like that” concludes the leader. “You’re not just going to go up to her and say ‘let’s get married.’ It won’t work, it has to be built. We have to keep working, individually and as a team, we have to keep trying to take baby steps, and if we keep working every day, we will get there. »

2024-01-21 08:20:22
#Losing #warm #return #Barrett #Immanuel #Quickley #York #Basket #USA


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