Figure skating: Mikutina fifth at European Championships after short program

figure skating

Olga Mikutina comes fifth in the free skate at the European Figure Skating Championships in Kaunas, Lithuania. Austria’s national champion recorded her season’s best of 63.71 points in the women’s short program on Thursday.

11.01.2024 18.04

Online since today, 6:04 p.m

She laid the foundation right at the beginning of her program with a successful jump combination: a triple Lutz, a triple toe loop, followed by a double Axel.

24 runners will compete in the free skate on Saturday (12 p.m.). The Belgian Loena Hendrickx is on course for gold. Last year’s European Championship runner-up received 74.66 points and is ahead of Nina Pinzarrone, also from Belgium (69.70).

APA/AFP/Daniel Mihailescu Mikutina achieved a new season best in the short program

Third is last year’s Georgian winner Anastassia Gubanova (68.96). Mikutina was fourth after the short program in Espoo 2023, but fell back to twelfth place in the free skate. The 20-year-old from Vorarlberg is therefore once again setting her sights on the first top ten result at a European Championship in Lithuania.


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