Bolivian Judo Team Prepares for International Competition in 2024

Bolivian Judo Federation

With 128 judokas from Chile, Uruguay, El Salvador, Puerto Rico and Bolivia, the International Training Camp 2024 of the Judo Federation of Chile and the Investigative Police (PDI) began. The activity will last until January 27.

The Tarija judokas Micaela Summer Méndez Velázquez, category less than 44 kilos and Adriana Estrada Inca, category less than 78 kilos, Sub-18 category were called to be part of the Bolivian team that will participate in the I Bolivarian Youth Sports Games Sucre 2024, event that will take place from April 5 to 14. The Bolivian team has 12 judokas, five women and seven men.

In the last few hours, the members of the national team traveled to Antofagasta (Chile) where they will carry out preseason training, and then head to Santiago to participate in the international championship that takes place in Santiago (Chile) until January 27. The Tarija athletes conveniently prepared to be part of the Bolivian team that will compete in the Bolivarian Youth Sports Games that will take place this year in Sucre.

“The Tarija judokas were selected for the results they achieved during the national championships that were held last season. Now they will have the opportunity to work on the physical part together with their other teammates. During the last few months they intensified their training to improve.” their level of competition and also the physical part,” said the coach, Naida Doris Calizaya.

The Tarija athlete Micaela Summer Méndez Velázquez will compete in the category less than 44 kilos, the judoka, is prepared to make an outstanding participation in the international event, she knows that they will be difficult fights, however, she is prepared to represent Bolivia and Tarija; while the judoka Adriana Estrada Inca will participate in the minus 78 kilos category, one of the strong categories at the international level.

For their part, the leaders of the Bolivian Judo Federation thanked the presidents of the departmental associations, the parents, the Bolivian Olympic Committee (COB) and the Vice Ministry of Sports for the support they are providing for the selection of Bolivia prepares in Chile with a view to the 2024 Bolivarian Youth Sports Games.


With 128 judokas from Chile, Uruguay, El Salvador, Puerto Rico and Bolivia, the International Training Camp 2024 of the Judo Federation of Chile and the Investigative Police began, the activity that will extend until January 27, the preparatory period will be strengthened of all attendees in order to generate a high volume of fights with a view to an Olympic year of high competitive demand.

2024-01-15 08:50:43
#Micaela #Méndez #Adriana #Estrada #part #Bolivian #national #team


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