back at his training club, Perisic will receive a salary…of one euro


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Ivan Perisic ne ruinera pas son club formateur. JB Autissier / JB Autissier / Panoramic

The Croatian international signed a six-month contract on Friday with his training club, who did not have to go crazy to secure his services.

«People overpaid to chase a ball“. Everyone has already heard this phrase, often used by football detractors. But this time, it will not be relevant. Ivan Perisic, Croatian footballer, offered his fans a (new) beautiful story.

Winner of the Champions League, finalist of the World Cup, spent by Bayern Munich, Dortmund and even Tottenham, Ivan Perisic has had a career capable of making more than one person jealous. Since May 2022, the winger has been playing with the Tottenham club, with whom he signed until 2024. But a cruciate ligament injury sidelined him from the field during this first half of the season. To get back on track, he signed a six-month loan contract with his training club, Hajduk Split.

Eighteen years later, Perisic will therefore make his return to the Croatian club and will be able to prepare for his Euro. And according to the transfer window specialist Fabrizio Romano, he would have agreed to a nice gesture to make his transfer possible. For the next six months, he will receive a salary of one euro per month. A great story to help his training club, which would not have had the means to match the emoluments received at Tottenham.


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