Wout van Aert’s Relaxed Attitude at Visma Lease A Bike Press Presentation Signals Focus on Enjoyment in 2024

Wout van Aert looked very relaxed at the press presentation of Visma Lease A Bike. Our compatriot wants to quickly put 2023 behind him.

Visma Lease A Bike presented the team last week with a view to 2024. Wout van Aert gave a relaxed impression and above all wants to enjoy what he does.

Teammate Tiesj Benoot also saw this. “If you really chase something as a rider, there can be a danger that you forget how much you love doing something,” he tells Sporza. “As a child you dream of the finals. If you no longer realize that you are driving and participating there, it is a shame that you no longer live that dream.”

The ambitions are great, the pressure even greater. “Every race Wout rides, he does it to win. He experiences more pressure anyway. Riders have already stopped because of that pressure. He always handles it very well.”

That now seems to be the case. “He gives me a relaxed impression, yes. You must continue to realize that your hobby has become your profession and that you are living your dream.”


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