This is Sporting’s latest plan: from a 45,000-seat Molinón only for the World Cup to the doubts of some municipal groups

This is Sporting’s latest plan: from a 45,000-seat Molinón only for the World Cup to the doubts of some municipal groups

“The regrowth is going to be provisional, in the sense that it is going to be adaptive for that moment in the World Cup.” The socialist councilor Luis Manuel Flórez, Floro, shared yesterday one of the novelties left by the meeting held at City Hall between the municipal groups and Sporting in the recovered working group for El Molinón 2030. Sporting, through David Guerra, executive president, proposed opting to increase the Gijón municipal hall by 15,000 seats, which would thus be added to the current capacity of 30,000 (in round figures), to respond to FIFA’s demands. The meeting, in which it was reaffirmed that the field would maintain municipal property and would not be moved, reiterated the desire to advance the protocol that would allow for the establishment of a public-private legal model to finance the 150 million budget.

The way in which it would be carried out was not specified, nor the areas that would imply the provisional regrowth, but numbers were discussed in terms of capacity. Sporting aspires to enable a modular improvement of the stands until reaching 45,000 spectators, as reported by “Killer” and confirmed by LA NUEVA ESPAÑA. This route had already been proposed in Orlegi’s first project for El Molinón, discarded to adjust to one of a smaller size and cost that would allow it to respond to “what the Federation demands, a project in which there is commitment and viability.” This is how David Guerra defined the current plan, shared with municipal groups, some of them critical of the steps that have been taken in recent months.

“It has been a constructive and fruitful meeting. We understand that for Gijón to be in the World Cup, the city must row together,” said forum member Jesús Martínez Salvador, government spokesperson and Urban Planning councillor. “All municipal groups must be involved so that Gijón is seen as a reliable headquarters. It involves the future of the city,” said the popular Ángela Pumariega, first deputy mayor, without hiding difficulties such as financing. “We have to take it all into account and see the parts to what extent we have power. It is a significant amount. The resources in Gijón are limited,” she explained regarding this public-private collaboration.

“There has been no talk of so many percent or quantities,” lamented the socialist Floro about this collaboration to gather the 150 million budget that is yet to be defined. “We left with practically the same unknowns that we entered the meeting. Unknowns regarding the financing and urban implications of the project, as well as the initial municipal contributions, as after 2030,” said Javier Suárez Llana, councilor of Izquierda Unida.

The calendar

“We do not have a financing plan or an action plan. We have the same information as a month ago. The calendar that was initially discussed is already being breached, in which it was said that the agreement had to be signed at the end of November. action project. The date of the financing plan is not going to be met either,” criticized Olaya Suárez, mayor of Podemos. “It is an ambitious project, but also very difficult to execute. It is all in its infancy. What Vox is asking for is transparency from Sporting and the municipal government,” added Sara Rouco, from Vox.

David Guerra avoided specifying the legal model that will finally be adopted to finalize the financing, with a commercial company being one of the formulas that are on the table, as LA NUEVA ESPAÑA advanced. Regarding financing, he stated that “the greatest flexibility and the greatest alternatives will come from the private sector and the leadership and drive that the administrations have will help a lot to clarify this entire situation.” He did not clarify whether the reform designed for El Molinón will affect the current businesses that occupy the ground floor, but he did clarify the desire to go hand in hand. “There is always the utmost respect for all the workers and companies involved. El Molinón is a public concession and the City Council is the best interlocutor. In no case are we thinking about there being anything controversial or against commercial activity,” he explained. .

In addition, the Principality yesterday reiterated its support for El Molinón with a view to hosting the World Cup through Gimena Llamedo, who pointed out that they are working in a “discreet” manner with that objective. This is what she stated during her appearance in the regional parliament. “If it were in our power for Gijón to be the venue, there would be no doubt that this would be the case,” she highlighted.

2023-12-01 03:00:26
#Sportings #latest #plan #45000seat #Molinón #World #Cup #doubts #municipal #groups


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