The “Witt Cup” Hainan Oriental “Village BA” Basketball Super League Finals Review: Freestyle Basketball Performance and Sponsors

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New Hainan Client, Nanhai Net News on December 9 (Reporter Pan Di) On December 9, the 2023 “Witt Cup” Hainan Oriental “Village BA” Basketball Super League Finals was held at Dongfang City Cultural Square, hosted by Hainan Boyue Actors from Chuangu Art Troupe and F Three Freestyle Basketball Team presented the opening performance “Fancy Basketball”.

The 10 cheerleading dancers danced with dynamic dance steps, cool movements, and uniform dance, which instantly set the scene on fire.

Immediately afterwards, they turned the ball with their fingers, passed the ball under the crotch, and caught the ball in the air… Following the strong Hip-Hop music, the performers danced with individuality and flamboyance, and the creative passing movements made people amazed again and again. In less than 1 Within minutes, he captivated the audience.

“Fancy basketball performances are not simply dribbling and passing, but a combination of complex basketball technical movements and strength and flexibility exercises.” Performer A Zhen said that he has been playing fancy basketball for 12 years, and today All the moves in the performances are self-created. Although basketball is a very popular sport in China, freestyle basketball can still be considered a very “niche”.

“The basketballs used in freestyle basketball are also made of different materials from those used in games. Today we use patent leather basketballs. This kind of basketball is stickier and can prevent it from falling off during performances. Freestyle basketball evolved from street ball. Among them, those ‘fancy’ moves actually require strong basic basketball skills and long-term training to complete.” Azhen said.

It is understood that freestyle basketball is a type of street culture, which originated in the United States and is an extension of basketball. Depending on the number of participants, the use of balls and props, fancy basketball performances can be divided into individual solo, group performances, body movements (throwing, catching, rolling), fancy dribbling, ball spinning, multi-ball and trampoline dunks, etc.

Hainan Oriental “Village BA” is sponsored by the Hainan Provincial People’s Government, organized by the Hainan Provincial Department of Tourism, Hainan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Dongfang Municipal People’s Government, and Hainan Daily Newspaper Group, with technical support from the Hainan Provincial Basketball Federation. The co-organizers are Hainan Provincial Sports Event Center, Dongfang Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, Dongfang Municipal Tourism and Culture Bureau, Dongfang Municipal Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, Dongfang Municipal Media Center, Dongfang Municipal Sports Service Center and Dongfang Municipal Basketball Association. and Nanguo Metropolis Newspaper are the executing units.

The exclusive title company of the Hainan Dongfang “Village BA” competition is Hainan Weite Electric Group Co., Ltd. The competition also received awards from Shaanxi Investment Group Jintai·Yueyunhai Project, China Construction Bank Dongfang Branch, Dongfang City Rural Credit Cooperative Association, China Mobile Communications The Group’s Hainan Co., Ltd. and Jinjiang Hotels (China)’s brands – Oriental Vienna Hotel, Hainan Li Miaojia Cultural Tourism Group, Oriental Capital Hotel, Oriental Shengda Building Hotel, Oriental Banqiao Jinyue City Entertainment Co., Ltd., Hainan Xinda Food Co., Ltd. (Yoniu), Oriental Aoyue Lizheng Hotel, Kyriad Oriental Liangzhi Seaview Store, Oriental Skylight Hotel, Hainan Oriental China Theater Management Co., Ltd., Oriental Guojin Hotel (formerly Tailong Hotel), Oriental East Corridor Hotel, Oriental Green Treasure Hotel, Oriental Hejiale Hotel, Hainan Kalmei Sports, Oriental Branch of China People’s Property Insurance Co., Ltd., Suiyizhu Oriental Oya Hotel, Hainan Huali Valley Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd., Hainan Guozhen Crocodile Industry Technology Co., Ltd., Master Kong Drinks Hainan Marketing Company, Jiayuan Oriental Sochi Hotel, Oriental Huangji Roasted Suckling Pig, Hainan Oriental Times Media Co., Ltd., Craftsmanship (Hainan Province) Culture and Art Co., Ltd., Oriental The city’s Datian Meifu Li Brocade Skills Farmers’ Professional Cooperative, Datian Town Lemei Orchid Industrial Park Research Base, Hainan Yulinzhou Cultural Tourism Investment and Development Co., Ltd. and other enterprise units have strong support. Copyright Statement:
The above content is originally produced by Without written permission, no unit or individual may use, copy, modify, copy, disseminate or bundle with other products or sell any part of the above content in any way or for any reason. If you need to reprint, please contact for authorization. Anyone who infringes our company’s copyright and other intellectual property rights will be held legally responsible by our company.Email: [email protected]. Editor: Zeng Lingjin
2023-12-09 12:44:19
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