The Irresistible Allure of Winter Badminton in Dhaka: A Celebration of Togetherness

As a season, winter has many distinctive charms, and badminton is certainly one of them. For many Dhakaiites, the arrival of the season serves as the perfect catalyst to dust off their badminton rackets and head to the nearest court. What was once a sporadic affair, becomes a routine as the cool weather arrives. The city comes alive with the rhythmic beat of shuttlecocks meeting rackets, and makeshift badminton courts spring up transforming open spaces into arenas of friendly competition.

Nowadays, children may not find many designated playgrounds to play badminton but this does not stop them from arranging friendly tournaments in the most unexpected places!

Rounak and Onik — 10 or 11 years old and residing in Shahjadpur, Dhaka — have turned quiet alleys and even rooftop terraces into the canvas for impromptu badminton matches along with other children from this area.

Rounak likes to play early in the morning and in the evening. He mentions, “I like badminton more than cricket or football and in winter, other kids my age also become enthusiastic about this game as we get plenty of time to play for our winter vacation.”

As the sun sets and the temperature drops, the allure of playing badminton under the starlit sky becomes irresistible. The courts take on a magical aura, illuminated by the soft glow of streetlights and the vibrant energy of the players. We see people setting up flood lights and these floodlit courts become the stage for thrilling matches that captivate both players and onlookers alike.

A professional badminton player, Mohammad Raihan, who is in his 20s, was seen displaying finesse and his skills with a bunch of teenagers. When asked if this game holds any special allure for him in winter, he replied, “I cherish the spirit that is palpable in this season as you can see families, friends, and even neighbours come together to partake in the joy of this game.”

Truly, the unmistakable sound of shuttlecocks being volleyed back and forth becomes the soundtrack of the winter season, creating a harmonious resonance that reverberates across the city’s nooks and crannies.

Talking about his fondest memories regarding badminton, Ferdous Utsho shares, “As I grew up in the city, courts or open spaces were not always available — either adults used it, or we had to put up makeshift courts (which is very tough) — so, my friends and I used to get up very early when these spaces were empty and played as long as we could.”

For many, memories of winter badminton are woven into the fabric of their lives and it had been a celebration of togetherness. A fresh graduate, Fahim Ahmed Arko last played badminton when he was in college.

“I studied in a cantonment school, and for us, badminton had been the sport for winter. Though we weren’t seasoned players, it was a great experience for us. We even arranged tournaments and played against our teachers!” he says.

The game is a respite from the monotony of the season, offering a blend of physical activity and social interaction. The joy of playing badminton in the winter is not confined to the court; rather it seeps into every aspect of our lives, creating memories that thaw the chill of winter and warm the heart long after the season has passed.

2023-12-05 18:00:00
#Dhakas #love #affair #winter #badminton


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