The Impact of the Amateur Sport Reform: A President’s Perspective

«The managers of amateur sports clubs? They become employers. Like artisans or entrepreneurs. Except that our managers don’t earn.” The chorus against the new rules established by the Amateur Sport Reform, launched in July 2023, is enriched by a new voice. That of Claudio Zanesco, president and technical manager of Pro Patria Judo, a company that offers the possibility of practicing a vast range of disciplines to around 380 members. And which addresses the labyrinth of reform between situations shared with other associations (for example the forced closure due to Covid in 2020, with the heavy economic repercussions of the case) and other specific ones (the 300 thousand euros invested, with some partners, to transform the derelict ” swimming pool in via Poma” in an equipped, welcoming and popular space). People change, sports change, negative judgment does not change.

«It was difficult to do worse than that» confirms Zanesco. Which adds arguments to the comments already made by Giuseppe Abenante (Scuola Calcio Antoniana, SEE HERE). «In Italy – he puts it into context – you can deal with sports in contact with young people, be competent in your discipline and play a technical, social and educational role. But there is no serious professional recognition for what you do, contrary to what happens, for example, in France, where you can be a “professeur de judo”. In this deficient framework, the reform makes us become professionals from one moment to the next, without there being the necessary consideration for our world. Perhaps there was even a lack of knowledge of the starting context. That is, activities that are based, and have always been based, on volunteering. A first contradiction? We must conform quickly, the decrees to “ground” the reform are arriving late.”

Chapter classifications. «It seems clear to me that they wanted to regularize, so to speak, certain figures. It almost seems as if we were saying: do exist in Italy? Yes, then let’s extend these figures and establish the sports for those who collaborate with amateur clubs. But if an instructor carries out his work with more reality, he must have a VAT number. Here, again, the times with which some steps of the reform were developed and communicated come into play: there are technicians who should switch to the VAT number but, having been with a single company for a few months, before certain contents were clarified, they cannot proceed. Stuck. For two years.”

On compensation: «Below 16 thousand euros the INPS year is not accrued. But, in the first years, it is based on 50 percent, therefore, to accrue the INPS year, it is necessary to take 32 thousand euros to which to add the money falling within a sort of “exemption band”. In practice, it should exceed 35 thousand euros. It is reasonable?”.

The list of gaps and paradoxes, known to professionals, is long. Zanesco continues and exemplifies: «Today you must enter the data relating to the company’s collaborators in the “National Register of amateur sports activities”. After communicating some information, the register should, among other things, automatically calculate the compensation, as required by the new rules. Except that the system doesn’t do the calculations and you are forced to turn to your accountant. Paying for it, obviously, therefore committing resources that you thought you would use differently.”

The small large expenses resulting from the reform, moreover, can be a trickle. Heavy releases, at least for the budgets of companies that do a lot of sport with little money. «For example, the statute must be adapted. If this concerns an SSD – Amateur sports club, it is a public notarial deed and the operation costs between one thousand and 1,500 euros. Other money, in our case, went into adjustments to some details of the systems. We paid 1,400 euros for the risk assessment document. Broadening our gaze: many companies use publicly owned spaces which are easily used by schools. Well, these companies must ask for and obtain documentation on whether the gyms are compliant, even if it is not “their stuff”. Are all the spaces up to code? As for when to get the answers…”.

The confusion generated by the reform comes in a problematic context which, for Zanesco, has its roots in time: «There is a lack of a policy for the structures, see gymnastics in Busto, see sports that have no venues, swimming pools that are going to waste, gyms that are missing and that they should be healthy and useful places not necessarily linked to school buildings. The Sports Credit Institute lends money sometimes at higher rates than a normal bank, but if the guarantor is the State or a public body, the interest rates are reduced to almost zero. Where is there a serious policy in this sense?”.

Returning to the news, the representative of Pro Patria Judo expresses a thought shared by many: «We are faced with a reform imposed from above. It was designed by the “centre”, without evaluating the consequences on the peripheries. In the neighborhood, in everyday life, you have to manage, you have to make do. Cones and federations have not “made a wall” to protect thousands of organizations that work in the cities, in the districts, where it is most needed… I think of our case: Pro Patria Judo not only allows those who love “our” disciplines to practice sports . She has done well, in general, for what is around her. Just to start with Sacconago…”.

The president does not limit himself to considering his own fertile “backyard”. And he concludes: «It makes me think of those who find themselves in this situation and get by in degraded, difficult areas, perhaps in the big cities of the South… I know several companies of this type and I know that some are at risk of closing. If this happened, there as elsewhere, the damage would not just be sporting.”

2023-12-24 13:44:46
#Sport #reform #deluge #criticism #voice #Pro #Patria #Judo


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