the consequences for the contestants of the most spicy test of ‘In Search of Nirvana’

The extra proof: from the tears of Mahi Masegosa to the fortitude of Aless Gibaja

The more gold games your team wins, the bigger the prize you win.“In all the games for gold, a team will have an extra advantage and by doing this extra test we will choose which team will have this advantage,” Raúl Gomez had explained to the contestants. Hence, the participants wanted to give it their all… until They tried a bite.

In exclusive images that come from Nepal, we witness how the test was experienced from within as well as the consequences suffered by some of the participants, like Yoli Claramonte and Mahi Masegosa, who had a hard time catching their breath again with so much spice. The contestants’ eyes were teary even because of how stingy what they tried.

2023-12-14 16:23:02
#consequences #contestants #spicy #test #Search #Nirvana


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