The 2023 Padua Prize goes to Mattia Ceccato

The 2023 Padua Prize goes to Mattia Ceccato

Mattia Ceccato, a 16 year old from Ragusa, and the winner of the 56th edition of the “Salvatore Padua” Athlete of the Year Trophy 2023.

The curriculum of the talented Iblean basketball player unanimously convinced the examining commission composed of Adolfo Padua (president), Patrizia Valenti (extraordinary commissioner Libero Consorzio Ragusa), Sandro Bracchitta, Alfina Marino, Vito Veninata, Alessandro Bongiorno, Sergio Cassisi, Claudio Alessandrello, Francesca Giucastro, Maria Monisteri, Pina Distefano and Giuseppe La Lota, gathered in the Council room of the Free Consortium of Ragusa.

The young Ceccato, son of art in this basketball disciplinetook his first steps in the Olimpia basketball team of Comiso in 2013. In 2017 he moved to Virtus Ragusa where he won 4 regional titles with the under 13 and 14 teams. In 2021 he moved to Bologna and in 2023 to Milan, where participated in the under 17 youth championships. Ceccato also emerged in the national team taking third place at the Easter Tournament in Melilla, Spain. In 2022 with the national under 16 team he won the international tournament in Bassano and subsequently the Iscar tournament in Spain. The latest success, in 2023, when he became European vice champion with the under 16s.

The Commission then assigned the identification plates a Paris Iacono who distinguished himself in athletics for Atletica Padua Ragusa; Tancredi Virzìemerged in the Badminton specialty; Francesco Pernicea 16-year-old from Vittoria and the strong point of the Società Arcieri Mediterranei coached by Pippo Carrubba.

Il Csen Trophy 2023 he went to Modica Dario Sparacino.

The national CONI then awarded special recognitions ad Antonio Giunta, basketball referee who this year was promoted to referee in the men’s A2 and women’s A1 series; to Lullabies prize for technical merit by basckt; Alfio Occhipintibasketball bronze medal; Martina Di Stefanobronze medal sport fishing; Ragusa Tennis Clubbronze star; Polisportiva Virtus Eirene ASDbronze star.

The awards ceremony will take place on December 21st, at 5pm, in viale Del Fante at the headquarters of the Province of Ragusa, Gianni Molè room.

2023-12-07 08:52:22
#Padua #Prize #Mattia #Ceccato


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