Steph Atkinson: BBC Sports Personality ‘Unsung Hero’ for East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire

5 hours ago

Image source, Little Victories FC

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Steph Atkinson is the BBC Sports Personality “Unsung Hero” for East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire

A woman who helps at a football club for children with cerebral palsy is the BBC Sports Personality “Unsung Hero” for East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire.

Steph Atkinson from Hull is a volunteer coach and welfare officer at Little Victories FC, in Barton-upon-Humber.

Her twin sons both have the condition and she started volunteering when the boys joined the club 18 months ago.

Ms Atkinson said she was “very overwhelmed and surprised” to receive the award.

“I do it for the children, to bring them happy smiles and happy experiences”, she said.

Thanking her twin boys, Henry and Herbie, for “making her a better person” and “inspiring her to do good for other children, like themselves”.

Ms Atkinson plans and delivers the weekly sessions, welcomes new families, and has completed her FA training.

She was nominated by Garth de Roux, from Active Humber who said: “Steph’s journey as a volunteer highlights the power of compassion and the immense impact that one person can make”.

Image source, Little Victories FC

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She volunteers at Little Victories FC, a football club in Barton-upon-Humber for children with cerebral palsy

The club’s founder, Sophie Bartup said it was important that there was specific football provision for players with cerebral palsy so they could “develop their physical literacy, confidence, and self-esteem”.

“It is also a fantastic support network for players’ families too, who are going through similar experiences,” she said. “Little Victories FC is a real community.”

The overall winner of the BBC Unsung hero award will be announced at the BBC Sports Personality programme, which is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year. The ceremony, which Ms Atkinson will attend, will take place on 19 December on BBC One and iPlayer.

2023-12-04 06:08:15
#Hull #childrens #football #coach #wins #Unsung #Hero #award


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