Shohei Ohtani’s Generous Gift: A Porsche for a Teammate’s Wife

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Last updated December 25, 2023, 09:09:50 by Maurizio Barra

Shohei Ohtani, the highest paid baseball player in the world, made headlines again but this time for an act of generosity: he gave a Porsche to the wife of a new Los Angeles Dodgers teammate, who had published a series of posts about social media, begging the club to sign the Japanese champion and making the appeal to buy him go viral.

Which happened with a record 700 million contract. Not only that: Ashley Kelly had given the green light, with a series of videos, to the idea that her husband would give up the number 17 jersey, Othani’s historic one, so that the new Dodgers champion would not lose his lucky number. The woman also launched a hashtag, ‘Ohtake17′, which became popular. And so it was: Joe Kelly gave up her 17th to the Japanese champion, who wanted to reward Mrs Kelly by having her find a gift outside her door: a Porsche model worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. The video with Ashley left speechless went viral.


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Published by Maurizio Barra

I was born in Turin on 19 February 1968. I have a basic humanistic education, having attended the Valsalice Classical High School and Modern Languages ​​and Letters at the University. Great passion for everything that involves a keyboard, from the piano or similar, to PCs, of which I also love touch. Furthermore, another great passion of mine is sport and it has involved me a lot, as I have worked a lot on myself over the years, going through various phases, in which I gained a lot of weight and then became very thin, therefore, as several times I had to intervene on myself, I wanted to delve deeper into this discussion and I obtained the CFT Master as Personal Fitness Trainer at Issa Italia. The desire and interest to delve into many topics and holistic curiosity sometimes play bad tricks, because you risk starting everything and actually not being able to finish anything. In theory you have to choose what to do when you grow up, the fact is that I have already grown up well and now I feel very involved in the technological field and therefore I hope, above all, to be an intermediary between sighted people, let’s say, or in any case between everyone and precisely who is blind like me, both to show how many things can be done independently, and to bring closer (and here I appeal to developers, software lovers etc…) the ease and access to the complete use of technology even by the blind themselves, who in any case often have to deal with graphics, pages that are not very accessible and continuous tricks, to do things that, with the famous click, are in theory resolved immediately and this is not always true; essentially the purpose or idea is to bring sighted people, developers of apps and sites, closer to making them more accessible, thus making my knowledge of Assistive Technologies available, of which I consider myself a good connoisseur. Not to mention the Mobile Apps and also that world, which is truly wonderful and the approach to which for me was easy, but I realize that this is not the case for everyone. Therefore, I hope, over time, to make my very modest, humble and small experience available, keeping alive every possible new front of learning and discussion and knowledge, all useful and always necessary, we never stop learning or even comparing. Therefore, I hope to have you with me, ever more numerous, along this new path! Furthermore, since technology is not only procedures, tutorials on how to use an operating system or how to repair PCs, but also offers many tools for consultation, vision, listening, I will try to share with you my impressions and therefore files, multimedia contents or more, they will not only have technological relevance, but they will have something to do with the network. Indeed, comments, suggestions and proposals are welcome. As time passed, the site took an informative direction. Even though I am alone in managing all this mass of news, I promise to always give my best to provide all the news as updated as possible in real time, relating to many categories: World, News, Economy, Politics, Technology, Science, Medicine, Entertainment, Cinema, Music, Culture, Football and sport, the Piedmont Region, everything, absolutely everything, about Juventus and much, much more. Thank you all! Show all articles by Maurizio Barra

2023-12-25 08:59:52
#Baseball #star #Shohei #Ohtani #Porsche #fan #speechless


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