Pusala Sindhu Ranks Among Top Earners in Female Sports Stars Worldwide in 2023

sports | Sports general

Posted2023-12-22 23:17:50
Edit2023-12-22 23:26:46

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[스포츠서울 | 김경무 전문기자] It was revealed that Pusala Sindhu (28), India’s leading female badminton star, earned close to 10 billion won this year.

When ‘shuttlecock genius’ Ahn Se-young (21, Samsung Life Insurance) won the 2021 Badminton World Federation (BWF) World Tour Finals women’s singles, the king of kings of the season in December two years ago, this is the opponent she defeated in the final.

Although her performance this year was poor, Sindhu earned $7.1 million (KRW 9.2 billion) this year and was proudly ranked 16th among female sports stars around the world.

According to the American economic magazine Forbes, the female athlete who earned the most across all sports in 2023 is Iga Sibiontech (22, Poland), world number one in singles on the WTA (Women’s Professional Tennis) Tour, with a total of $23.9 million (310 It amounts to 70 million won).

Second place goes to Gu Ailing (20, China), who won two freestyle skiing medals at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, with $22.1 million (28.7 billion won). Pusala Sindhu ranked 16th along with gymnastics legend Simone Biles (26, USA).

According to the Forbes list, there are as many as 11 tennis players in the top 20, two each in golf and soccer, and one each in badminton, basketball, gymnastics, and freestyle diving.

In 2018, Sindhu ranked 7th overall with $8.5 million (11 billion won). Last year, it ranked 12th with $7.1 million (9.2 billion won). [email protected]

2023-12-22 14:34:52
#Badminton #star #ranked #among #top #high #earners #womens #sports.. #Pusala #Sindhu #earned #billion #won #year #ranked #16th #포브스 #발표


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