Olivier Dall’Oglio: The Ideal Successor to Laurent Batlles

Olivier Dall’Oglio should become Laurent Batlles’ successor. Two years ago, he spoke about his playing philosophy in Johann Crochet’s Prolongation Podcast today at RMC. Excerpts.

Marked by the epic of the Greens

Olivier Dall”Oglio, coach of Brest, said more about his playing philosophy.

“A match that marked me? If we talk about emotions, what marked me was Saint-Etienne in the European Cup when I was a child. It was a period that marked me There were several matches, notably against Split, Kiev and Eindhoven.

The return of Christian Lopez gave hope to the Saint-Etienne team which had finally won. This match had an emotional impact on me.”

His playing philosophy

Olivier Dall’Oglio on his principles of play : “Winning is a goal. You have to win to continue to exist. But for me it’s not enough. How do you win? You need fun and play. The small L1 clubs have to play games where it’s is restrictive.

Behind the game, there is a defensive setup. Have a solid defensive base. You have to be able to recover the ball high. The defensive aspect is more obscure, but it is what allows you to set up your own offensive game.

The condition for playing forward is to have solid defenders, to play aggressively, to press. You need this conquering state of mind when recovering the ball.

In a typical work week, we will work on both the defensive and offensive aspects. In all cases, we work on the recovery, duel, etc. aspect at least once a week. Often in the form of a game.

The offensive side is worked on. Maybe a little more each week. Offensively, you have to find arguments. Combinations, collusions, circuits to surprise. The details often make the difference. We analyze the content more than the results of our matches.”

Defenders, first offensive

Olivier Dall’Oglio on his expectations of his defenders :”A defender who is not comfortable with the ball has a technical deficit. It is not easy. We can limit the responsibilities for ball releases. Recruitment is extremely important. We know what we want and what we don’t want. There are defenders who want the ball, others not. We must also include the goalkeeper in the construction of the game.

As a former rough defender, yes, we had to defend like that. But I was on the side. I had this dimension carried forward.”

The construction of his philosophy

Olivier Dall’Oglio on his philosophy : “I was lucky enough to be able to train young people. I wanted to build sessions where I would have had fun if I had been a player. Automatically, the idea was to put the ball on. We can do a lot of things with a ball. As much as possible. Be playful.

I racked my brains with this idea. I hate routine, so I had to find new sessions quickly.

New generations get bored quickly. When we talk about tactics, it can be less rhythmic, but we warn. Players are fond of fun games so we try to get the balance right. Mentalities have evolved. Before, we knew in advance what was going to happen. We try to surprise them with games, schedules, etc.

Today, we explain why we do things. We have to make sense of it. Experimenting with young people is very interesting to be able to refine over time and progress.

I immerse myself a lot in what is being done elsewhere. I take the time to watch great coaches like Guardiola, Klopp. But also other less posh teams like Sassuolo in Italy who are developing the game. Same in Bilbao.”

His playing principles

Olivier Dall’Oglio on his princes : “I think we have to follow the movement. I have principles, but we must not be too rigid. We can develop the game project according to the players available. We must then draw conclusions.

Today, I am more specific about what I want to implement and how to present it to players. Did we work on the position of the players in relation to the ball? Let everyone have guidelines. There are lots of details to refine. Body positioning when players receive the ball. The same goes for replacement. There needs to be a common language for all players. Let everyone know where to stand, how to position themselves and how their teammates are placed.

The idea is to optimize positioning. There is a balance to maintain. You have to anticipate through positioning.

The hardest part is breaking the players’ old beliefs. For example, there are full-backs who prevent themselves from entering the axis. Initially, there is often resistance. For some, it takes 15 days. For others, it takes two months.

When I was a child, my father was an amateur footballer. I have always been passionate about football. My other passion was drawing. I have always kept this passion within me. I started as an amateur. I like what is beautiful. In football as elsewhere. Sometimes I replay the goals we score for fun.

Football and art give emotions. More popular but it takes the mind away”

Son management

Olivier Dall’Oglio on his management : “Developing the game does not necessarily depend on means. You have to have players with a sufficient technical base. We have had failures with players who lacked finesse. Control and passing. When you give the player confidence, we can quickly see progress.

The players must have confidence. There must be exchanges. Mental preparation is very important among players. […]

There is group training, then there is everything that goes around it. We are talking about individualization of work. Some will add a weight training session. Others will increase the work in front of goal, because certain gaps have been targeted. But it can also be more or less formal discussions. In scheduled interviews. We have to be able to give attention to everyone. It all depends on the characters. You have to target well. Sometimes you have to force the discussion. Human beings are very complex.

We have a table of the week. We specify their individualized program for each person. Everyone has their ritual. We created a bond. My physical trainer (Benjamin Guy who ODO will meet at ASSE) also does mental work. It’s new”

The environment

Olivier Dall’Oglio on the importance of the environment : “It’s also a question of management. We need results everywhere. Even in Dijon. We have pressure. You simply have to adapt your management. We are in a results society. We need results.

In bigger clubs, you can have players with greater abilities. We can ask and produce more.”

Mental preparation

Olivier Dall’Oglio on the mental aspect: “I’ve experimented with a lot of things. Sophrology, acupuncture, hypnosis. It’s vast. I’ve experimented on myself. We didn’t have all that when we were a player. I missed this .

I have researched a lot on these subjects. On how humans function. I’m trying it on myself. How to be better, less stressed etc. I work on this every day. I even met some healers. This opened my mind to life. It’s something I’m passionate about. I do a little meditation. There are many things.

I try to convey that to the players. Lack of confidence affects all players. When an attacker struggles to score, we tell him to work harder. Deal with it. It’s easy for a coach to say that. We do it, but sometimes it’s not enough. What’s blocking? What beliefs are blocking players?

In Dijon, I sent players to test hypnosis. You have to look for something else. The subject is infinite. The subject is full of resistance in football.

We need to find the right person to bring mental health professionals into the workforce. It’s not simple. Some people freeze and answer that they are not sick. In the training centers, we should already move forward with this. There are techniques that exist. Mental, Meditations, etc.

The player must find the right technique.”

2023-12-12 05:30:22
#Olivier #DallOglio #presents #game #philosophy


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