OL Management Shakeup: Tensions and Power Struggles Emerge

OL Management Shakeup: Tensions and Power Struggles Emerge

A hellish week. Last Wednesday, John Textor met Fabio Grosso to announce his layoff. What the Italian obviously did not appreciate if we rely on the information revealed by The team a few days ago. Indeed, the tone has risen between the 2006 world champion and the management. Players present at the training center even heard screams. But John Textor decided to move on. In search of a new strong man, the American did not want to hurry.

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Ponsot wanted to overtake everyone with Genesio

In fact, he decided to entrust the interim to Pierre Sage. But this decision, which is obviously the best he has made since he was at the head of Lyon, was not unanimous. Behind the scenes, we witnessed a struggle for influence. As revealed on Thursday on our site, some players are pushing for the return of Bruno Genesio. Free since his departure from Stade Rennais, the French coach knows the house perfectly. In addition, he is open to the idea of ​​returning, we were told.

Read DNCG: OL will finally be settled

But it’s not just the players who campaigned for Genesio’s comeback. Indeed, the Olympic-et-Lyonnais site, in its broadcast As long as there are Gone, revealed that Vincent Ponsot, who was CEO of OL (he will be CEO of the women’s section from January, editor’s note), also slipped the name of the former coach to Textor. The idea was to try to place and sign Genesio quickly. Vincent Ponsot would therefore have tried to organize a videoconference between the coach and the boss of OL behind the back of the new sports director.

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The Pierre Sage choice created certain tensions

Officially appointed last Friday, David Friio was made aware of these shenanigans and stopped everything dead. He decided, in consultation with Textor, to appoint an interim coach. Quickly, the name of Pierre Sage, whom the American appreciates, came out of the hat. But here again, Vincent Ponsot, who is one of the faces of the old management and the Jean-Michel Aulas era, intervened with the desire to support the candidacy of Jean-François Vulliez.

The latter had already taken over as interim after the departure of Laurent Blanc. And he apparently took it very badly not to be on the bench again after Grosso’s departure. But Textor and Friio decided to bet on Pierre Sage. A technician with an attractive playing philosophy. Nothing says he will stay on the bench all season, even if his first match was encouraging. But behind the scenes, some are betting on other horses and trying to place their pawns. The low blows continue to come one after the other at OL…

Pub. 04/12/2023 22:00 Updated 05/12/2023 03:21

2023-12-04 21:00:41
#clan #war #sets #fire #scenes


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