Massive March for Boca Juniors Shows Power of Fan Base and Political Involvement

“We are from the glorious Boca Juniors band / the one that fills the field, the largest in the world / despite the gas, the blows received / I will always be by your side, dear Boca Juniors…”. It was a quarter past five in the afternoon on a different Sunday in La Boca when the singing bounced off Avenida Almirante Brown and became thunderous, as the truck passed by in whose box Juan Román Riquelme, Chipi Barijho, Chiche Soñora, Pablo Ledesma and other staff members raised their hands in greeting to the crowd.

The vice president and undisputed idol of Boca surprised with his appearance crossing the caravan that began to move slowly towards the Bombonera and added his voice when “ohhh, I’m bostero / it’s a feeling / I can’t stop” was sung, while he squeezed the starry shield of Boca his blue diver.

About fifteen thousand people had begun to gather at three-thirty in the afternoon in the vicinity of Parque Lezama, summoned two days ago by social networks. The bonus to take over the stop was the voice of Riquelme himself promising his presence. The storm that fell at that same time and the threat of more intense rain was not enough to stop the enthusiasm, love and faith that paraphrased the old Boca Juniors march.

The repertoire of love songs for the blue and gold shirt and for its greatest idol became from time to time a song full of anger and clenched teeth that had been an anthem in 2019, that of “Mauricio Macri, lpqtp.” On one of the walls of the Avenue, many were photographed with a giant notice with the image of the former president with a small mustache and the inscription “Gato facho” in black spray.

In the center of the march, flags of the groups and different towns and cities of the Province of Buenos Aires flew. Trenque Lauquen, Garín, San Vicente, Budge, among many others, and one that said “The mafia is afraid”, but on the sides many fans paraded with no other identification than the colors blue and gold. Mostly young people, women, many children on their parents’ shoulders. A dog wrapped in a flag, a kid with a Red shirt and a monkey mask, on top of a traffic light and a couple of children carrying flags larger than their size were some of the postcards that seduced sharp-eyed photographers.

A young girl who said she was from a group called “Pibas de la Boca” seemed very well informed when she justified her presence in the place due to the danger of privatization; Judge Abrevaya’s precautionary irregularities; the direct relationship of the judicial measures dismissing Macri with the elections; the lies of what he called “the bad Ibarra” and the voice of Riquelme “that every time he speaks reaches my soul.”

At his side, a veteran stressed that no one had done more for the lifers than this management and a curious neighbor, with the vocation of a toad from another well, said something like “I am not with one or the other” and “I don’t understand why They don’t agree and that’s it.” Well, the politicized girl made a laudable effort to explain what the thing is about and what the alleged eternal suspension means.

–With Macri we won many titles –said the neighbor.

“Mauricio doesn’t know how to distinguish a rabona from a pipe,” the veteran responded and each one went their separate ways.

Nobody knows when there will be elections in Boca, but a little song with the music of the Peronist march seemed to respond with an expression of wishes to the question: “We are all united / Mauricio is not coming back / we beat them whenever / with the help of Román / And give it Booo and give it Boooo.” Beyond the song, there is no certainty of the political relationships that could be made in the composition of the march. In fact, in a quick broadcast sample we found both Milei and Massa voters in the last election The unanimity was only against Macri, the center of all the fights. Aware of this in the previous days, the skillful Riquelme avoided the questions that mixed Milei with the entire case.

“The man (without naming Macri) does not want there to be elections; let’s be attentive because they want intervention and we cannot allow it,” said the Boca idol at the close of a Sunday in which the Boca ruling party clearly and deservedly won by a landslide. .

2023-12-04 12:13:31
#Xeneize #ruling #party #won #street #landslide #Juan #Román #Riquelme #joined #march #suspension #elections #Boca


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