MANOLO GARCÍA SPORTINGUISTA | The nod to Manolo García’s Sporting at his concert, where there was no shortage of a guest from the highly acclaimed red-and-white club

Manolo García filled the theater of the Universidad Laboral this Saturday with a concert in which the Barcelona native made the Gijón audience vibrate. The party started at 9:15 p.m. this Saturday night. And he had a guest from Sporting: just in time, after the game against Levante, Miguel Ángel Ramírez (MAR), the red and white coach, arrived in his seat after a “hot” match due to the refereeing controversy. Many red-and-white fans immediately recognized the Canarian coach: they greeted him and gave him affection who has managed to make an impression in the city. Ramírez made an effort, rushing after the game in El Molinón and because tomorrow, at 10:30 a.m., Sporting trains in Mareo. And MAR cannot be missed.

Meanwhile, Manolo García was given a Sporting scarf. Also a flag of Asturias. And the singer-songwriter was proud of Gijón, the land where he lived for a year.

The musical evening began with the chords of “The Loving Critics”, “If Everything Burns” and “Draw on My Skin”. And a special moment came in that first section of the concert, with “Ya no danzo al son de los drums”, a song that goes back to his time in “El Último de la Fila”, and with which the audience gave themselves and García He reciprocated by going down to the stalls, where he received flowers and gifts, and the singer stopped to shake the hands of the entire audience in the first rows. An act that was repeated more times, and that made him end up, as already noted, with a Sporting scarf around his neck, in front of the red and white coach Miguel Ángel Ramírez, who attended the concert, and raising a flag in the air. from Asturias.

2023-12-09 22:52:33
#MANOLO #GARCÍA #SPORTINGUISTA #nod #Manolo #Garcías #Sporting #concert #shortage #guest #highly #acclaimed #redandwhite #club


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