Luck for UD Las Palmas, cruelty for Tudelano (1-2)

Luck for UD Las Palmas, cruelty for Tudelano (1-2)

The Palms He won and that was the only objective of the visit to Ciudad de Tudela. It matters little that he played a very bad game against an opponent of three categories less and that he won with a rebound goal in the last second of extra time, which he had to reach due to his inability to overcome an energetic Tudelano, enthusiastic and who fell in the most cruel way. Munir’s shot, bad, in a deadly counterattack when it seemed that the game was going to die in a corner in favor of the locals, ended with the ball going in not without suspense, in the middle of the silence of a field as old as it is iconic that it saw him enter the goal after goalkeeper Pablo García had made another save, although this was insufficient to take his team to the penalty shootout. UD, on the other hand, jumped for joy, although it was more of relief, and won the tie. The performance is erased. And to something else.

The most unrecognizable UD rarity of the course began with García Pimienta’s eleven, which surprised with Sinkgraven, a closed left-footer, as a right back, and Cristian Herrera, a winger and forward, as an inside player. The first one had a bad time, as expected; The second was fine in his new habitat. The rest, as expected. What was not foreseen, however, is that Tudelano will enjoy an endless number of clear chances in the first 45 minutes as a result of the tremendous defensive weakness of the yellows, who suffered when running back and defending the actions to stopped ball. Despite everything, UD, which only had to put a little intensity to dismantle the rival, also had its opportunities. In any case, he showed a poor face.

For the general fan, the duel was a spectacle of back and forth, chances and also goals. The initial impetus of the Navarrese team, spurred on by an enthusiastic fan who did not stop cheering them on, even from the mountain located behind a back and a side, translated into clear occasions like that of Borja Vicent, who had the ball fall inside from the area after a corner, only he sent it too high. In the reply, Marc Cardona, located on the left, rejected a gift in an incomprehensible manner after receiving a pass from the rival; When he was completely alone, without a goalkeeper, to push the ball into the net, he crashed it into the post.

Before the quarter of an hour mark, either team could have gone ahead. First Tudelano through a left footed shot by Álvaro that Mfulu rejected to the corner from which the third clear chance would come for the locals and the first stop by Aarón, who blocked well after his teammates made a mistake again on a corner kick. Then Las Palmas, by means of a headbutt Sorry Kaba that came close to the post, letting the possibility of 0-1 escape. He would no longer reach the goal.

What happened in between was another succession of chances for Oriol Riera’s men. In the 24th minute, Sito Barrera arrived from the left and placed a perfect cross, but Irurita did not arrive; then, in the 34th minute, the clearest one would come, a one-on-one from Sánchez, the right back, who entered as he wanted and without any opposition from his side to stand in front of Aarón, who held on well and once again established himself as the savior with a great save, like the one he had to make less than a minute later on a shot from the edge of the area. The UD was petrified, perhaps because of the cold that descended faster and faster on the Ciudad de Tudela.

Tudelano had wasted so many opportunities that what usually happens in these cases happened, the rival’s goal. Las Palmas finally created a scrimmage play, with rhythm, which Sory Kaba finished with a goal into an empty net after a great collective triangulation and a final one-two with Marc Cardona (38′). It was a great goal that seemed to put Las Palmas in control of the match, however, football rewarded the local team with the possibility of living the second half with the excitement of the first.

Pejiño helped, blurred like other teammates such as Mfulu, Perrone and Sinkgraven, with an innocent foul inside the area on Colau, who knew that the Barbateño was hot on his heels, stopped and was run over. It was a penalty, and Joel, with a low shot with his left foot to the opposite side to which Aarón had launched himself, tied the score to the madness of the municipal field (42′). Everything to be decided in the second act.

If the start of the match had been brilliant, the resumption was less so, probably due to the physical decline experienced by Tudelano. Not suffering was already enough for UD, who did not worry Palo García’s goal either and showed that they were going to need new players to win the tie. Until after game time they entered Loio says y Marvinthe yellow offensive baggage translated into two high shots, one from Benito and the other from Alex Suarez.

In defense, Las Palmas was still weak. Tudelano, with several balls behind them, created danger, just like in the first half. The yellow team was definitely not ready to run backwards. The changes gave a boost, but they did not represent a great start-up either. Lost in crosses, UD only created danger with a free kick from Benito that Pablo García rejected with a good save.

Another deep ball behind Benito’s back caused a new one-on-one from Irurita, who preferred to shoot for the penalty instead of shooting for the goal. Marc Cardona could have put the yellow team ahead with a header from the small area on a corner, but the ball went straight into the goalkeeper’s hands (77′). García Pimienta introduced Munir for Sinkgraven and brought Marvin to the side, and the first thing the Spanish-Moroccan did was make a bad back pass that, if it did not result in a goal, was thanks to Aarón.

Last minutes of domain

In the final minutes Las Palmas went up, although without much idea, while Tudelano, exhausted, was clearly looking for extra time, which was reached after the entry of Moleiro for Álex Suárez, who was lying on the grass for almost five minutes. minutes, a priori due to lack of air after a blow. Coco y Araujo They came in to play the last half hour and restructure the team, which by name already seemed much more powerful, although it did not show it.

The first quarter of an hour passed without anything happening except for a soft shot by Moleiro into the hands of the goalkeeper. Inaccuracies, slowness and disorder characterized a barely recognizable UD. At the start of the second half of extra time, Cristian Herrera, now on the left, left Munir alone after a great shot, but the forward showed all his lack of bite with a soft shot into the hands of Pablo García. The goal could have come later with a shot by Araujo that hit a defender, and if the ball did not go in it was by chance, because the goalkeeper was sold. Then he had a lot of credit for stopping a great long shot from Coco.

Tudelano did not deserve, in any case, the final cruelty, Munir’s goal in a counterattack when he had also enjoyed a corner in his favor. Moleiro’s driving was perfect and his assistance to the forward was better. To make matters worse for the local team, Pablo García stopped the shot, again bad from the Spanish-Moroccan, but the ball finally entered, in slow motion, into the silence of Ciudad de Tudela. And Las Palmas asked for another round.


(1) CD Tudelano: Pablo García; Mario Sánchez (Iván Martínez, 97′) Borja Vicent, Santamaría, Sito Barrera; Santigosa (Carbonell, 86′), Álvaro; Irrigation, Colau, Irurita; and Joel (Gianluca Simeone, 97′).

(2) OUT Las Palmas: Aaron; Sinkgraven (Munir, 80′), Herzog, Alex Suarez (Moleiro, 95′), Benito; Horse (Coco, 91′), Platform (Loiodice, 66′), Christian Herrera; Pejiño (Marvin, 66′), Sory Kaba and Marc Cardona Araujo, 91′.

Goals: 0-1.- (38′): Sory Kaba; 1-1.- (42′): Joel, penalty; 1-2.- (123′): Munir.

Referee: Martínez Munuera (Valencian Committee). He admonished the locals Colau, Santigosa and Riego, and the visitors Marc Cardona, Álex Suárez and Aarón.

Incidences: match corresponding to the second round of the Copa del Rey, played at the Ciudad de Tudela stadium in front of about 5,000 spectators.

2023-12-06 22:50:47
#Luck #Las #Palmas #cruelty #Tudelano


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