Local Athlete Tiziana Di Maio Wins Silver Medal in National Archery Finals

Editorial team 24 September 2023

An athlete from Caserta who won silver medal in the national finals of the Coni trophy. This is the young Casalucese Tiziana Di Maio, second place in the archery discipline.

The girl, known in the city as ‘Iana’, won the silver medal by scoring 558 points, putting her behind 33 other competitors.

The important sporting event took place from 21 to 24 September in Basilicata, hosting 35 National Sports Federations and 21 Regional Committees with 7 Associated Sports Disciplines and 4,400 participants. Twenty athletes from Caserta took part in the event.

2023-09-24 07:00:00
#athlete #Caserta #won #silver #medal #archery #Coni #Trophy


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