Korea Badminton Association Conducts Overseas Training for Promising Players

Korea Badminton Association Conducts Overseas Training for Promising Players

Sports | Sports general

Posted2023-12-02 09:15:13
Edit2023-12-02 09:16:35

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[스포츠서울 | 김경무 전문기자] The Korea Badminton Association (Chairman Kim Taek-gyu) is conducting overseas training for promising players to discover and foster the next Ahn Se-young and Seo Seung-jae.

This is the so-called special training for gifted children. The association announced that it would be conducted for 12 days from the 4th to the 15th for 8 aspiring young people and 2 leaders.

They will leave the country on the 4th and participate in the 2023 Thailand Junior Badminton Championships on the 5th to 10th, and then train at the Granura Academy in Bangkok from the 11th to 15th.

The dispatched instructors are Kim Jong-hyuk (in charge of Dream Tree Players) and Park Jun-hee (Namwonju Elementary School). There are four male players, including Jo Bu-geon (Bongdong Elementary School, 6th), Kim Seung-ju (Seoul Jeongok Elementary School, 6th), Song Gi-beom (Dangjin Elementary School, 6th), and Lee Ho-geon (Dangjin Elementary School, 6th), and female players are Yoo Ah-hyeon (Taejang Elementary School, 6th) and Han Ye-seul (Jinmal). There are 4 people including Song Ji-hyo (6th grade, Taejang Elementary School), and Ain Choi (6th grade, Jinmal Elementary School).

The Korea Badminton Association announced that through this project, it plans to give potential gifted players who have shown excellent performance the opportunity to acquire advanced technology in advanced badminton countries and seek to improve their performance.

This project is carried out with financial support from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation. [email protected]

2023-12-02 04:46:03
#Raising #Ahn #Seyoung #Seo #Seungjae.. #Badminton #Association #conducts #special #overseas #training #gifted #students


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