Iker Jiménez speaks out about the viral audio with his voice cloned by artificial intelligence

Iker Jiménez, on the viral audio with his cloned voice: “They are the machines, which make your voice completely programmable”

The host of ‘Horizonte’ interviews Chema Alonso, an expert in artificial intelligence and they talk about the future of judicial processes with this new threat

In ‘Horizonte’ we analyze the audio with the cloned voice of Iker Jiménez which has been done with artificial intelligence and it has gone viral in recent days.

This is how audio created with artificial intelligence begins with the voice of Iker Jiménez: “Today I would like to end with a reflection, let’s see, for me the best thing about the ripe ones is that you can eat the roscón de reyes while they have some lentils on the fire. motherfucker. I remember one that I met at an Eroski and she had some wonderful children, we had many vices… “

Although in this audio there are statements that disrespect some people, the presenter of ‘Horizonte’ has taken it with caution. positivity what happened: “You have to take it as a joke, You have to take it healthily. Furthermore, I would say that why first viral in Spanish At the level of voice it has to be with my person, if the person speaking is my person…”.

Iker confesses that not even he himself was able to notice the differences with his real voice: “I’m going to confess something to you, We put it on and I couldn’t distinguish it from my voice.I have to be very honest and there were twists and turns that I couldn’t make out. It is the audio that has been sent to me the most in my life. But I haven’t done anything, that voice is cloning. There are cmore grotesque or profane comments, some quite xenophobic, I’m not going to say that. Are the machineswhich make your voice fully programmable.”

Jiménez also warns that A year ago the expert Chema Alonso anticipated in ‘Horizonte’ that these problems with artificial intelligence were going to happen and connect live with him.

During his conversation with Alonso, Iker says that they have contacted lawyers explaining that this recording could be considered a crime of identity theft and another hate crime, but confesses that it is not his intention to file any appeal: “It is not my mission. This is a bit of a joke at heart.”

When Iker asks Chema Alonso what problems problems artificial intelligence can cause in the tests of trialsAlonso explains that the procedures are already changing: “Now They stop being evidence and become clues. where experts have to do forensic analysis to find out if there is cloning. “It is going to begin to be done en masse in all tests.”


2023-11-30 23:55:56
#Iker #Jiménez #speaks #viral #audio #voice #cloned #artificial #intelligence


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