Governor Maru Campos Presents the Return of Dorados de Chihuahua to Mexican Baseball League

Chihuahua.- State Governor María Eugenia Campos Galván led the presentation of the Dorados de Chihuahua team to the Mexican Baseball League.

Maru Campos highlighted the importance of this event which is the return of the Dorados de Chihuahua to the best professional baseball league in the country.

With his participation in the Mexican Baseball League; Los Dorados de Chihuahua, promotes sports and meets the need in the State to have the most important professional baseball league in the country.

After an absence of 14 years in the Mexican League, the Dorados de Chihuahua return; Thanks to the support of a group of businessmen led by Anwar Elías, who has worked together with the State Government headed by Governor Maru Campos, they make it a reality.

The team seeks to demonstrate that it returned to stay in joint work with businessmen.

The start date of the season will be April 12, in the first series in Chihuahua agreed for April 16 against the Rieleros of Aguascalientes.

2023-12-20 20:47:49
#present #Dorados #Chihuahua #Mexican #Baseball #League


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