Giovanni Toti Makes Strong Showing at El Salvador International Badminton Tournament, Boosts Hopes for Paris 2024 Olympics

Heavy result for Giovanni Toti at the El Salvador International 2023, a tournament that represents another stage of the badminton circuit and for the Italian team a new chapter in the race for a place at the Paris 2024 Olympics. In fact, Toti reached the semi-finals, closing his positive tournament against the Brazilian and second seed Ygor Coelho, capable of making a comeback with scores of 9-21, 21-11, 21-17. The other Italian in the competition, Fabio Caponio, went out in the first round at the hands of the Spaniard Pablo Abian (21-18, 21-11). With these results Toti has gained ground on Caponio, given that the best Italian in the ranking at the end of the qualification period could gain a pass for the Games. At the moment the situation sees Toti in 62nd place, while Caponio is 67th: the first is the thirtieth of the 36 athletes admitted to the Olympics, but since only one quota is reserved for Italy, the internal challenge becomes decisive.

2023-12-03 19:19:58
#fighting #Olympic #pass #badminton


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