Francesca Capalbo Shines at Italian Archery Championships, Improving Senior Female Ranking by 10 Positions

Good result at the Italian plate championships for the yellow-blue athlete Francesca Capalbo.

From yesterday until Sunday in Seravezza, in the province of Lucca, the Italian archery championships, specialty target shooting, are taking place.

The matches are taking place at the Buon Riposo municipal stadium, under a scorching sun with considerable heat.

For the first time, the bare bow division is also present at the Italian championships.

Francesca Capalbo was present for the gialloblù of San Bartolomeo. The athlete, who arrived at the Italian championships 29th in the senior female ranking, competed today in the morning, improving by 10 positions, ranking 19th in the senior female ranking.

2023-08-26 07:00:00
#Italian #archery #championships #gialloblù #San #Bartolomeo #excellent #results #Francesca #Capalbo


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