Elijah Moore of the Cleveland Browns Released from Hospital After Terrifying Head Injury

Elijah Moorewide receiver of the Cleveland Browns, has left the hospital after spending the night on Thursday after suffering a chilling head injury that caused him to convulse in the middle of the field during the game against the New York Jets in the NFL Week 17.

Also read Daniel Ballesteros

Moore suffered a concussion after being knocked down by CJ Mosley and smash his head directly into the grass which caused him involuntary movements in a terrifying image.

The player He was able to recover and leave on his own two feet. from the field towards the injury tent, but was taken to a hospital for evaluation due to the severity of the injury.

Cleveland Browns: Elijah Moore at the moment of being tackled by CJ Mosley

Sue Ogrocki / LaPresse

Moore even tore up a piece of grass At the time of the fall, it was embedded in his helmet, leaving evidence of the seriousness of the play.

“It is getting better. “This is always scary.” said the Browns coach, Kevin Stefanski after the game.

According to brain injury specialists, Elijah Moore He could be out of the field for several weeks after the dramatic concussion and involuntary tremors he suffered on the field.

“Unfortunately, those are involuntary movements due to a brain injury by Elijah Moore,” physical therapist Evan Jefferies wrote on his Twitter account.

“Involuntary movement of the limbs occurs when there is an alteration between the brain and the muscles. Every concussion is different, but Moore could be out for several weeks“Jeff Mueller, a physical therapist, published on the same social network.

2023-12-29 21:16:30
#Cleveland #Browns #Elijah #Moore #leaves #hospital #suffering #chilling #shock


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