Dutch Football Association reports Overmars’ suspension to FIFA, which is investigating whether he will also be suspended at Antwerp | Sport

Dutch Football Association reports Overmars’ suspension to FIFA, which is investigating whether he will also be suspended at Antwerp |  Sport

The Dutch Football Association has handed over the Overmars case to FIFA. Dutch media report this. FIFA will examine whether Marc Overmars will also be punished internationally for his inappropriate behavior at Ajax. And whether Antwerp will suffer damage.

In November, the Sports Jurisdiction Institute determined that Overmars had committed inappropriate behavior. The former technical director of Ajax is therefore not allowed to hold a position in Dutch football for one year from January. He was also given a one-year conditional suspension.

According to FIFA regulations, national associations must report “serious cases of sexual harassment”. The KNVB says that this has now happened. FIFA must now determine whether there is sufficient reason to take over the suspension. Marc Overmars still has a contract with Royal Antwerp FC until mid-2026.

Antwerp owner Paul Gheysens, here next to Marc OVermars © BELGA

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2023-12-01 12:58:20
#Dutch #Football #Association #reports #Overmars #suspension #FIFA #investigating #suspended #Antwerp #Sport


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