Colomiers beats Brive in Pro D2 and remains undefeated at home

Under the eyes of Toulouse neighbors, Thomas Ramos and Alexandre Roumat, Colomiers, which hosted Brive this Thursday evening for the opening of the 13th day of Pro D2, remained undefeated at home. In the swirling wind and the freezing cold, two elements which do not allow the development of a spectacular game, he imposed himself rather logically thanks to his pack of forwards, very strong like Joseva Tamani and Anthony Coletta.

It is also and above all necessary to highlight the skill at the feet of Thomas Gérard, his back then opener after the exit due to injury of Maxime Javaux, author of a nice drop. Despite difficult conditions, the one who is considered one of the most skillful players in Pro D2 in front of the poles achieved a flawless performance. Stuart Olding, the Brive scorer, missed three penalties in the second half, including the last after the siren, which would have allowed the Brive players to leave this short trip with the defensive bonus point.

Larenjera last minute package, Pélissié taken out on stretcher

Colomiers, who was nevertheless penalized on numerous occasions (16 penalties), could have won more widely but his winger Rodrigo Marta, who flattened twice (19th and 53rd) saw the referee refuse his two actions. Brive, who hoped to achieve a second consecutive victory after the one obtained last week, at home, against Mont-de-Marsan (23-16), suffered a lot during this meeting, struggling to leave his camp, and lacking realism in the opposing 22 meters.

The team now coached by Pierre-Henry Bronca also experienced some staffing problems since Thomas Larenjera, who was to start, withdrew before the match, replaced by Sam Johnson. In the 5th grade, Julien Delannoy left his comrades, suffering from a concussion. Five minutes later, Adrien Pélissié was replaced. Seriously injured in the left kneecap, he was taken out on a stretcher and taken to hospital at half-time. Two hard blows which did not allow the Corrèze bench to make the planned replacements.


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