Bamberg Baskets Secure Dramatic Win to Advance to Top Four Tournament

The Bamberg Baskets fought their way into the top four tournament on Saturday with a dramatic 88:87 (42:39) win at Rasta Vechta in the cup quarter-finals. In front of 3,140 spectators, coach Oren Amiel’s team took revenge for their clear Bundesliga defeat in Vechta at the end of September. The man of the game was Bamberg’s guard Zach Copeland: Twelve seconds before the end, the 26-year-old American hit the winning three-pointer, and with 33 points he was by far the game’s top scorer. Vechta had overcome a 21-point deficit in just under seven minutes in the fourth quarter, but missed out on victory thanks to Copeland’s brilliant performance. “They surprised us a little bit with their zone in the last quarter and took us out of the game,” said Copeland. “I love taking those last throws for my team. All in all, it was a crazy game and I’m happy that we won it in the end.”

2023-12-10 15:57:17
#Bamberg #defeats #Vechta #cup #quarterfinals #Copeland #Sport


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