Arrested: Two young people behind attack with baseball bat captured on camera

by laraguidobono

Last September two young people on a bus Roma they had attacked a boy with a baseball bat, then robbed him after dragging him out of the vehicle. Finally the two perpetrators of the attack were identified and arrested thanks to the videos from some surveillance cameras.

Arrested after an attack with a baseball bat: trouble for two young people

On a line ofAttack Of Romaat the stop Mammolo Bridge, a rather violent attack occurred on September 10th. As also reported by la Repubblica, two boys aged 15 and 24 had violently hit another young man with a gun iron baseball batthen dragged him out of the vehicle and robbed him of his silver necklace and other personal effects in an isolated place.

The victim, an 18-year-old of Colombian origins, immediately called i Carabinieri and filed a complaint, and, after a few months, the surveillance cameras placed on the bus and near the stop managed to identify the two culprits, both Italian, one of whom was a minor.

The investigating judge of Court of Rome established a precautionary measure in Regina Coeli prison for the 24-year-old, while a stint in one has been set for the 15-year-old community.

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2023-12-27 18:40:09
#Attack #baseball #bat #bus #young #people #arrested


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