another strategy to strengthen them |

???? Have you lost your memory and are struggling to find concentration? In the previous post I told you how omega3 fatty acids are a precious ally. Alongside them there is another strategy that we can adopt. This:


???? When we are stressed, our brain “sucks up” a lot of sugar. Thus blood glucose levels drop. At this point the brain orders to increase the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, which ensures that the liver can quickly release the sugar it has stored (liver glycogen) into the blood.

❌ The problem is that excess cortisol is harmful to the brain and causes insulin, the storage hormone, to rise, which will absorb sugar, reducing its levels in the blood again. A vicious circle is thus activated.

???? This is why when we are stressed and unrewarded we tend to resort to foods rich in sugars as a form of self-medication. Breaking this circuit allows us to return brain functions, including mood, to a performing level.

????????‍♂️ If overall we reduce cortisol, keeping blood sugar under control, and increase serotonin and dopamine thanks to omega 3, we will be calmer and able to think with more clarity and creativity, and solve problems more serenely .

You discover WHO the relationship between memory, concentration and omega 3.

Photo: Valentina Celeste

concentrationcortisolhepatic glycogenfatsinsulinmemoryomega 3sugars

2023-11-14 16:37:00
#strategy #strengthen


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