Analysis of Judo Capital Holdings: Neutral Rating in Short and Long Term

The Judo Capital share is currently 6.9 percent above the moving average of the last 50 days, which leads to a short-term rating of “Good”. However, the distance from the moving average of the past 200 days is -15.45 percent, which leads to a long-term rating of “Poor”. Based on these values, the stock is rated “Neutral” overall.

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is used to determine whether a stock is overbought or oversold. The 7-day RSI for Judo Capital is currently 34.29 points, indicating a neutral rating. The 25-day RSI is at 46.94, which also results in a neutral rating. The stock is therefore classified as “Neutral” overall with regard to the RSI.

Overall, investor sentiment in discussion forums and social media regarding Judo Capital is particularly negative. This is reflected in the statements and opinions of the last two weeks. Therefore, investor sentiment is rated as “Neutral”.

No significant changes in sentiment or communication frequency regarding Judo Capital have been noted over the past four weeks. The stock therefore also receives a “neutral” rating in this area.

Buy, hold or sell – your Judo Capital Holdings analysis from December 20th. provides the answer:

How will Judo Capital Holdings develop now? Is it worth getting started or should investors sell? You can find out the answers to these questions and why you need to act now in the latest Judo Capital Holdings analysis.

2023-12-20 19:07:50
#Judo #Capital #Holdings #investors


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