2023 Volunteer Trophies Honors Exceptional Sports Figures

It is under the joint assistance of Jean-Yves Mouret, president of the Departmental Olympic and Sports Committee and Antoine Martin, president of the Departmental Committee of Youth and Sports Medalists and associative commitment, as well as Jean- Pierre Latapie, vice-president, in charge of entertainment, that the evening of the 2023 Volunteer Trophies took place in Séméac.

During this evening, 2 young referees presented by the Youth and Sports Medalists Committee will be distinguished: Kevin Raimbault (Football) and Pauline Rey (Judo).

12 recipients will each be rewarded in their categories.

Then will come the turn of Serge Larré, educator and president of Rugby Partage, honored by the Regional Committee of Youth and Sports Medalists and associative commitment.

In her presentation, Michèle Duffour will discuss the sporting career of Serge Larré who took his first rugby license in 1971 and signed with the Marquisat Rugby Club in 1984. In 1986 with the help of François Labazuy, he created the rugby school which will start with 7 children (not all of the same age!) and gradually grow until it reaches around a hundred children.

He will be one of the architects of the regrouping with the neighboring clubs of Azereix, Adé, Ibos, then Ossun and Juillan. He is one of the leaders of the current Lous Maynats de l’Ovalie group, for which he also provides training for educators.

In 1990, following a special meeting with Patrice Lagisquet, he created the Rugby Partage association with the aim of promoting rugby tournaments bringing together children from rugby schools with children or adults with disabilities to experience a day of sports festival for all and thus allow meetings which will help create the conditions for better integration.

It is to the applause of the large audience that Serge Larré will be rewarded.

2023-12-20 04:31:39
#Rugby #Serge #Larré #Marquisate #spotlight


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