Venados de Mazatlán Defeat Charros de Jalisco 11-5 in Exciting Game






A duel of power to power was the one that took place on Wednesday night at the Panamericano and it was the artillery of Venados de Mazatlán that ended up “exploding” in the eighth inning, where they broke a tie to win by a score of 11-5 against Charros de Jalisco.

In this way, the last series of the first round of the 2023-2024 Season presented by of the Mexican ARCO League of the Pacific remains in the hands of those led by Luis Carlos Rivera, who have a record of 16-18.

The match was a constant “exchange of blows” until reaching the eighth round with a five-run tie, being at the top when the red artillery made itself felt in a big way.

It all started when after one out, Ramiro Peña and Jesús “Cacao” Valdez hit singles to put runners on the corners, Niko Vásquez arriving to roll the ball through the pitcher’s zone, who made the out at second base but not that the pinch-hitter Carlos Arellano will ring the lead.

Vásquez stole second base and Demetrius Sims negotiated a walk, leaving the table ready for Gustavo Campero to arrive to empty the bases with a triple that made the score 8-5 for the Buenos Aires team.

Wild Pitch by reliever Fabián Anguamea allowed Campero to score and Ricky Álvarez took advantage of the moment to hit his first home run of the season, en route to what would be the victory.

The last score for the visitors came in the ninth, with a ground ball by Demetrius Sims, which needed review and with which Carlos Arellano scored.

Previously, Venados scored in the first inning with a double by Niko Vásquez, although Charros came up with three runs in the closing with home runs by Jared Serna and Félix Pérez, the latter’s being a two-run.

In the fourth, Mazatlán tied the action with a single by “Cacao” Valdez, but the locals once again took command of the match with a two-run tubey by Serna.

Venados did not lower their arms and scored a run in the fifth with a ground ball by Ricky Álvarez and they achieved the tie in the seventh with a single by Leo Germán.

The victory belonged to reliever Érick Casillas (1-2) and the defeat corresponded to Jared Wilson (0-3).

2023-11-23 19:42:53
#Mazatlán #deer #sink #Charros #Jalisco


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