This doesn’t have to go well

This doesn’t have to go well

Because the CEO of FC Bayern Munich commented on the contract extensions for the goalkeepers Manuel Neuer and Sven Ulreich on Tuesday with almost cheesy words, he and everyone else on Säbener Strasse who have now decided this should be reminded of the goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois . If Courtois hadn’t suffered such a serious injury in August that he might be out for the rest of the season, then his club, Real Madrid, wouldn’t have been spontaneously interested in Spanish goalkeeper Kepa.

If Real Madrid hadn’t spontaneously shown an interest in Kepa, then he wouldn’t have changed his mind. If Kepa hadn’t changed his mind, he would be playing for FC Bayern today. And if Kepa were playing for FC Bayern today, then CEO Jan-Christian Dreesen, who himself revealed the failure of the Kepa deal, would hardly have been able to comment on the contract extensions with the goalkeepers on Tuesday with these words: “Manuel Neuer and Sven Ulreich are simply a dream team.”


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