Running correctly: “Most people run unnaturally”

Whether heel running or flaky arms: Most runners make mistakes, says coach Tobias Singer. He explains when things become problematic – and how to do it correctly.

Speaker Listen to article Basically, anything that affects the position of the legs, hips and feet can potentially lead to injury. © gruizza/​Getty Images

Tobias Singer has been a running coach with a focus on middle and long-distance running for more than ten years, currently at SCC Berlin. He is also manager of the Berlin Marathon Team, in which German record holder Amanal Petros runs. He also coaches three athletes there.

TIME ONLINE: Mr. Singer, how often do you see other runners on your lap through the park and think: That doesn’t look good at all?

Tobias Singer: Frequently. Every time I run in Berlin’s Volkspark Friedrichshain you see someone who makes you think: You should really do something, that doesn’t look healthy. In the past I might have spoken to people, but not anymore.


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