Romanian Full-Back Andrei Ratiu Shines in Debut Against Vinicus in First Division Clash

Making your debut in the First Division and seeing faces with Vinicus is a huge challenge. But fix it like you did Ratio It is noteworthy. Outstanding. The Romanian full-back had one of those nights that one keeps in memory forever. He was able to beat the Brazilian and the image of him was the open field sprint (he reached 35.6 km/h) that he won over the Brazilian midway through the second half. Ratiu was the fastest second division player in Huesca last season and at the Bernabéu he brought out all his potential.

The duel was frenetic throughout the game and the Rayo side endured one after another the attacks of a Vinicus who tried everything, but could not overcome him. The match ended with a 0-0 draw, a challenge achieved in which Ratiu’s marking of the star of the white team was essential.

This is Andrei Ratiu

The Romanian arrived in a small town in Teruel, Aguaviva, when he was only six years old and there he started kicking a ball until he became a professional. He took his first steps in Aguaviva FC and Andorra de Teruel, in futsal. As a child, a club with one of the best youth teams in Spain noticed him: Villarreal. He made the jump to the Villarreal youth team and despite being called up for several games with the first team, he did not play in the League. Yes, he did it in a Europa League match at Mestalla and he already left details. After that phase, Romania called him and made him a permanent contract. First in the lower categories and later in the senior categories. He played in the last Olympic Games and is now a reference in his team that is looking for a place in the Euro Cup this summer.

From Villarreal he left looking for minutes to Huesca (he was previously on loan in the Netherlands and returned to the yellow team mid-season) and in the Aragonese town he finished settling. He achieved minutes and continuity and despite the fact that Villarreal had a buyback option, fIt’s Rayo who this summer moved quickly to tie up the Romanian for half a million euros. Of course, the yellow team still has an option to recover it. Until now he had not debuted in the League. He played in the Cup and was at a high level. It was his turn at the Bernabéu and there he presented his card.

2023-11-06 08:32:46
#Real #Madrid #Rayo #Ratiu #fastest #player #Division #Vinicius #bitter


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