Physical Activity and Sport at School Age Program Opens New Edition for 2023-2024 School Year

Physical Activity and Sport at School Age Program Opens New Edition for 2023-2024 School Year

The ‘Physical activity and sport at school age’ (DEE) program opens tomorrow a new edition, the one corresponding to the 2023-2024 school year, with the cross-country test for the children, cadet and youth categories. On Thursday, the local phase of the team sports competition will also kick off with the table tennis, indoor soccer and badminton events in the Juan Zurano and San Antonio pavilions, as well as in the multi-sports courts of the José Ibáñez Martín and Francisco Ros Giner institutes.

More than 10,000 primary and secondary education students from educational centers in the municipality are called to participate in the school sports program that this morning was presented by the Councilor for Sports of the Lorca City Council, Juan Miguel Bayonas, who recalled that “its main objectives are to promote physical activity and health promotion among our students, but also to work transversally on values ​​linked to sport, such as camaraderie, equality between the sexes, respect for the rules of the competitions, tolerance, and the development of a critical attitude towards certain behaviors typical of high-competition sport.”

The school sports program, one of the most important within the organizational chart of the Department of Sports, is developed in two phases: a local one and a regional one. In the first, only Lorca students participate. According to the results obtained in the different categories and sports disciplines, they qualify for the second phase, the regional one, corresponding to the quarterfinal, semifinal and final competition of each of the sports. In this phase, those classified in Lorca compete with students from other educational centers in the Region in venues distributed throughout the regional territory. Lorca will host the regional final of individual and team cross country (children, cadets and youth) on January 11, 2024. Among the sports that are called on the calendar of this course are chess, athletics, cross country, orienteering, badminton, indoor soccer, basketball, volleyball, petanque, handball, table tennis, mate, beach volleyball, etc.

For the 2023-2024 school year, the total number of registered teams amounts to 349, of which 191 are made up of primary education students and 150 are made up of secondary education students. In addition to the educational centers in the urban area of ​​Lorca, most of the educational centers in the districts also participate in the program.

Bayonas recalled that “in the development of the program, not only the work carried out by the Department of Sports is fundamental, but also the collaboration of the Lorca educational centers through their Physical Education departments. Its professionals are the ones who motivate the participation of the minors whom they accompany every week to the different tests, so once again I am grateful for their vital involvement so that the program develops normally due to the importance that it has. School sports in the municipality of Lorca have been the gateway for minors to continued sports practice for more than three decades, since on many occasions they become interested in the disciplines in which they compete at school level and decide to take the step. to practice it regularly, enrolling in the sports schools of the city’s sports clubs and associations.”

The school sports program is organized by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports in collaboration with the municipalities of the Region and educational centers. Last year (2022-2023), the total number of students enrolled in Lorca amounted to 10,475, of which 6,196 corresponded to male enrollments and 4,279 to female enrollments. The number of educational centers that joined the program was 33 with a participation range of between 70 and 731 students per center. Athletics, cross country, futsal and mate were the disciplines that registered the greatest participation. In both its local and regional phases, the program includes a sports area through integration with specific tests for Special Education centers.

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In the regional context, Lorca is one of the municipalities most involved with the program with an average participation between 10,000 and 12,000 students and a municipal budget of around 70,000 euros.

2023-11-29 07:19:40
#students #Lorca #participate #local #phase #School #Sports #Sports #Center


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