Molins de Rei Judo Club Hosts Alevín-Benjamín Catalonia Cup, Solidifying its Place as a Judo Benchmark

Molins de Rei Judo Club Hosts Alevín-Benjamín Catalonia Cup, Solidifying its Place as a Judo Benchmark

The Molins de Rei Judo Club organized the Alevín-Benjamín Catalonia Cup, a judo competition for young people born between 2012 and 2015, making the Municipal Pavilion the headquarters of the competition. Around 450 judokas from all over Catalonia have participated. Thanks to this edition of the Cup, Molins de Rei consolidates itself as a benchmark for judo in Catalonia.

This Saturday, November 18, Molins de Rei has emerged, for the first time in history, as the headquarters of the Alevín-Benjamín Catalonia Cup, a judo competition for athletes born between 2012 and 2015,

The test has been organized by the Judo Club of Molins de Rei, and had the participation of around 450 judokas of the juvenile-youngest category, from judo clubs throughout Catalonia. In the municipal pavilion of the Llobregatense town, a tatami has been set up especially for this occasion. The celebration of the test was possible thanks to about 35 people, including referees, table judges, reference referees and volunteers.

“The position on the podium is not what matters in this recreational competition, but the effort of the student. We reward friendship over competitivenessad”, explained Raúl Molina, president of the Molins de Rei Judo Club. In addition, he added that this competition is considered a promotional stage before moving on to the next category, the children’s category, where a higher level is required.

Molins de Rei becomes a reference in the world of judo

In the promotion categories within Catalan judo, this competition establishes the Llobregatense town as a reference place at the regional level. In addition, it joins other initiatives of the Molins de Rei Judo Club, such as the periodic organization of courses by the Catalan Federation of this sport in the facilities of the Ricard Ginebreda sports complex, as well as the annual celebration of the Molins de Rei Judo Tournament .

2023-11-21 17:01:40
#Catalonia #AlevínBenjamín #Judo #Cup #Molins #Rei #Historic #competition #participants


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