Lilian Egloff Returns to Form in Test Against 1. FC Nürnberg

Some people had already written him off. Lilian Egloff returns in the test against 1. FC Nürnberg. In his favorite position.

Most recently played for Stuttgart’s second team: Lilian Egloff. IMAGO/Sportfoto Pack

Recently it seemed as if Egloff had lost touch at VfB Stuttgart. The 21-year-old had to witness 18-year-old Luca Raimund being substituted in front of him in Heidenheim, was missing from the matchday squad against Dortmund and had to play for VfB II in the regional league in Hoffenheim last weekend. In the test game, Egloff was able to start again with the professionals and collected plus points. In addition, in his favorite position in the attacking midfield.

Although the 21-year-old didn’t succeed in everything, he did show some really good moves and also scored a goal in a 2-0 win over the club. “At the beginning of the first half we were relatively dominant, but not really precise and clear in the last third against a very deep opponent,” said Sebastian Hoeneß, who called for “a little more greed and will to win” at the break. “The team showed that after the break and took the game to their side. All in all, I was very satisfied.”

Also with Egloff, whom the 41-year-old once again lined up offensively. “Not everything went well in the first half. Like so many other offensive players, he wasn’t quite as precise either.” Hoeneß has now given up trying to turn the trained offensive man into a six-man. “Six, eight, ten are his positions,” said Hoeneß. “But I’ve placed him a little further forward for a while now because that’s where his actions come from.”

“He accepted the game” – Seimen back

Egloff toiled and worked under difficult rainy conditions. “He accepted the game like he did the game with the second team in Hoffenheim. He was very committed and scored a goal at the end. I see his performance as positive.” All in all, a good game from the 21-year-old, who should have made up ground in the fight for a place in the squad on match day.

Dennis Seimen is also on the way back. The talented goalkeeper, who recently had to take a week-long break due to back problems, was allowed to score in the final phase of the game against the second division team from Franconia. “He trained fully for ten days. That’s why he was able to play today,” explains Hoeneß. The young professional, who turned of age on December 1st, “didn’t have too much to do. But fortunately he is fully recovered and recovered.” Next, Seimen should train again with the professionals as usual and gain match practice with VfB II in the regional league. Whether with or without Egloff remains to be seen.

2023-11-16 18:25:26
#VfB #Stuttgart #Egloff #returns #offensively


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