Late Surge by Reyer Venice Secures 89-82 Victory Against Prometey Slobozhanske

Fine del match

40′ Tkachenco scores the last shot and closes the match at 89-82

40′ O’Conell misses the triple

40′ Tucker misses his last hope triple and De Nicolao decides to foul Agada who scores 0/2 from the line

40′ Tessitori spends a foul on Baldwin who scores the 1/2 from the line which does not completely close the match

39′ De Nicolao comes on for Tessitori who scores the -4 orogranata

38′ O’Connell with an extra pass serves Tessitori who scores the -6 Reyer

38′ Wiltjer comes on for De Nicolao who is blocked illegally by Gray and scores 2 points

36′ Agada puts 10 points back between the two teams from the foul line

Timeout Prometey

36′ Casarin scores a triple from the perimeter to make it -8

35′ Sanon comes in for Baldwin who scores 2 more points with a dunk

34′ Tucker suffers a foul from Baldwin and scores 2/2 from the line

34′ Agada penetrates and scores 2 points with the layup and is fouled by Casarin. From the foul line he doesn’t make the free throw that almost could have ended the match

33′ Agada penetrates and unloads for Balwin who rises above the entire lagoon defense

32′ Sanon annihilates Jeff Brooks’ defense with a step-back triple

32′ O’Connell throws it long from the throw-in for Tucker who is fouled and scores 2/2 from the line

31′ Sanon scores a triple from the perimeter for +5 Prometey

Start of fourth quarter

End of third quarter

30′ Balwin gets rid of Simms with a signature and goes up to the rim for the dunk

30′ Brooks receives the offensive throw and serves O’Connell who with a cut along the baseline scores 2 points with a reverse layup

29′ Casarin scores 1/2 from the line after the foul suffered by Bobrov

29′ Gray dribble, stop and shot from midrange for 2 points

29′ Tucker doesn’t score from the arc but finds Gray’s foul who sends him to the line for a 3/3
28′ O’Connell from midfield responds with precision

28′ Sanon scores 2 points with a great stop and a soft shot

28′ Dribble, stop and shot by Gray who scores 2 points from the high post

27′ Wiltjer serves the central cut to O’Connell who scores 2 points and immediately fouls. From the line 1/1 for Alex O’Connell

27′ Gray with stop and shot from the paint for 2 points

27′ Sidorov scores 2 points on the counterattack by touching the glass

26′ Lypovyy from long distance scores 2 points

26′ Tessitori scores 2 points from mid-range

26′ Sidorov scores a triple from the arc making it 56 all

25′ Wiltjer scores 2 points from mid-range

25′ Sanon lifts for Baldwin who scores an Alley oop from a magic moment

25′ Tessitori duets with De Nicolao and serves him with a crushed pass for 2 points

Timeout Reyer

24′ Sanon receives the offensive throw and with a dorsal turn he frees himself from Casarin’s defense and goes above the rim to score 2 points

24′ Lypovyy scores 2 points on the counterattack

23′ Sidorov leans against the glass with a waiter for 2 points

23′ Wiltjer scores 2 points in central penetration and is fouled by Baldwin. From the foul line Wiltjer completes the potential 2+1 play

23′ Balwin in for Sanon who scores 2 points

22′ Sidorov dal Lypovyy che dal perimetro riporta il Prometey a -6

22′ Reyer counterattack with Casarin who takes advantage of Simms’ block under the rim and scores 2 points with a cut along the baseline

21′ Casarin serves the exit from the block Wiltjer who from the perimeter scores the triple of the new +7 Reyer


In the first 20 minutes of the game, a very balanced match but one that thrives on flurries. If in the first quarter Prometey leads most of the time, in the second half of the game Venezia takes control of the game and with a consecutive series of baskets scored by Simms, O’Connell and Wiltjer obtains a maximum advantage of 11 points at 13′. Prometey doesn’t fit and above all thanks to a rocky defense he manages to mend the score until 40-44 with which the two teams go to the locker rooms for the break

End of the second quarter

20′ Casarin stops March’s penetration with a foul and sends him to the line for 0/2

19′ Sidorov brings Prometey back from the arc to -5

19′ Simms crashes into Balwin’s wall but before falling he finds a passing line for O’Connell who scores 2 points with a reverse layup

18′ Wiltjer alone from the edge of the perimeter for 3 points on the scoreboard

18′ Sidorov misses the stop and shoots but catches the rebound and on the second attempt he doesn’t miss scoring 2 points

17′ Wiltjer finds the soft release from the dribble from the paint in front of the basket and scores 2 points

17′ Balwin blocks Wiltjer and March goes the other way with a dunk in transition

16′ Sidorov with a very short shot makes a pass to Odiase who collects his teammate’s mistake and scores 2 points inside the ring

16′ March duets with Balvin and goes to the rim for -7 Prometey

15′ Agada scores an important triple from the perimeter for the Ukrainian team who are back under double digits

Timeout Prometey

15′ Wiltjer fakes the pass and then starts to penetrate and with great use of the pivot foot finds space to score 2 points

14′ Agada scores 2 points with flash penetration and the help of the iron

14′ Brooks with a high low pass to Simms who scores another 2 points

14′ Gray scores 1/2 from the line after a foul

14′ Simms with a pass crushed with one hand serves the cut to the basket by O’Connell who scores 2 points

13′ Balvin unlocks Prometey from under the rim

13′ Brooks harpoons an almost lost ball from Simms and returns to his teammate who from the arc scores the +11 Reyer

12′ O’Connell in for Simms who signs the +8 Lagunare

11′ O’Connell serves Wiltjer who resolves a bad orogranata possession with a perfect catch and shoot from the arc

11′ O’Connell with the flash penetration goes above the rim to score 2 points

End of the first quarter

10′ Odiase in shooting action is fouled and earns a turn to the line where he scores 1/2

10′ Balvin wins the one-on-one with Tessitori and scores 2 points

9′ Tucker fearlessly shoots and scores the winning triple ahead of Balvin who is 2.17cm tall

9′ Tucker feeds Tessitori from the perimeter behind him who scores an important triple for Venezia from the three-point line

8′ Sanon passes for Lypovyy who puts Prometey ahead from the perimeter

7′ Balvin challenges Tessitori and gets 2 points and an immediate foul, he misses the extra free throw from the line

6′ Tucker constructs a soft divot from the dribble which gives him 2 points from four metres

6′ Casarin turns the side for Tucker who is extremely precise from the perimeter to score the counter pass on Reyer

5′ Agada penetrates centrally into the lagoon area and serves Odiase for 2 points

5′ Brobrov armed by Agada scores 3 points from the perimeter

4′ Casarin dribble, stop and shot from the left elbow of the perimeter for 2 points

4′ Tucker intercepts the ball in defense and launches himself on the counterattack to take on Simms who scores the orogranata pass from under the rim

4′ Tessiotori misses the half hook but De Nicolao follows with a rebound and scores 2 points

3′ Penetration, stop and shot from midrange for Agada who sends Prometey to +4

3′ Tkachenko scores the first triple of the match from the arc

2′ De Nicolao serves for Casarin who scores 2 points in transition

2′ Casarin for Simms who scores 2 points with a stop and shot from the low post

1′ March for Odiase who with penetration and a central layup unlocks the match with 2 points

Start of the match

The quintets of the match

Prometey Slobozhanske: Agada, March, Tkachenko, Bobrov, Odiase

Reyer Venice: De Nicolao, Tucker, Casarin, Simms, Tessitori

I roster del match:

Prometey Slobozhanske: Agada, March, Tkachenko, Bobrov, Lypovyy, Balvin, Odiase, Sanon, Gray, Syòdorov

Reyer Venezia: Tessitori, Casarin, De Nicolao, O’Conell, Janelidze, Brooks, Simms, Wiltjer, Iannuzzi, Tucker. Coach Neven Spahija

Good evening to all friends of Tutto Venezia Sport from your Alberto Bison and welcome to the live text of Prometey Slobozhanske-Reyer Venezia, match valid for the eighth day of Group A Eurocup 2023-24. Once again coach Neven Spahija will have to manage his forces given that Parks is still in the pits due to a flu syndrome, Spissu is out due to a muscle problem, while . For the gold-plated team, this evening’s match will be another fundamental step towards the top positions in view of the playoffs. Venice, which had started badly in the European competition, will have to try to win despite the important absences also to make up for the bad performance and defeat suffered in the championship on Sunday against Olimpia Milano.

2023-11-22 18:36:06
#RELIVE #Eurocup #PrometeyReyer #Venezia #fullhearted #Reyer #Prometey #wins #Riga


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