Jorge Almiron Resigns as Boca Juniors Coach: What’s Next for the Club?

“This is enough, Román.” The phrase of Jorge Almiron It did not admit any type of analysis. He stopped being the coach of Boca and this was communicated to the vice president Juan roman riquelme. Everything happened shortly after the arrival of the xeneizes to Buenos Aires, after losing the final of the Libertadores Cup contra Fluminenseat the Maracana.

The team left Rio de Janeiro shortly after noon on Sunday. He landed in Ezeiza and went to the Boca complex located near the airport. In the privacy of the concentration, Riquelme gathered the players, thanked them for restoring the enthusiasm of the Boca fan, stressed to them that he did not like at all the poor production in the League Cup and pointed out to them that they should be champions of the Cup Argentina.

After that talk, Almirón asked to talk with Román and the Football Council. At that meeting, the coach presented his resignation. Riquelme asked him to think about it. But it was already an irrevocable decision. There came the last phrase: “This doesn’t go any further, Román.” The club officially announced it on its social networks at 11pm on Sunday, and at 3am on Spanish Monday.

Almirón leaves with just 49% efficiency (17 wins, 13 draws and 13 losses). He lost the two Superclásicos with River without scoring goals. He won just 3 of the last 20 games. And in the Libertadores he did not win any head-to-head key: in all of them he went through penalties. In the Cup, the scorer was the right side marker: Luis Advíncula. All symptoms of a game that he never convinced and that always aroused criticism.

After the defeat at the Maracaná, it emerged that some players became angry with the coach and questioned a couple of decisions in the substitutions. Is that why no footballer sat next to the former Elche manager at the post-match press conference, despite the fact that the regulations require it?

Boca, penultimate, has no chance of getting into the playoff

Today Boca is second to last with 11 points in Zone B of the League Cup. It is very difficult for them to qualify among the first four that will play in the playoffs. But he still has two objectives until the end of the year. The main one is to qualify for the Libertadores 2024. He could do it in the sum of the annual table: he would not play it today, but he will fit into that ranking if he beats San Lorenzo on Wednesday (Mariano Herrón will lead as interim). You will also obtain a passport if you are champion of the Argentine Cup, a competition in which the xeneizes are in the semifinals.

Although it was obvious that it would not continue in 2024, Almirón had reasons to resist until the end of the year. That’s why he was surprised by his resignation. Could it have been because something was broken with the players or to avoid possible insults in the Bombonera? In time we will know.

He is the fourth coach that Boca has lost since Riquelme became vice president. He had fired Miguel Russo, Sebastián Battaglia and Hugo Ibarra. Almirón is the first to resign and to leave without having won any title. Will Román dare to appoint a new coach even if the club renews its authorities on December 2? How much will this complex scenario influence the elections? It will be seen. Now what is certain is that the world of xeneize politics will raise temperatures.

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2023-11-06 08:44:43
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