Inaugural Yuyu Trophy Archery Event Honors The Memory of Giacomo Bogetti

The first edition of the Yuyu Trophy, Memorial Giacomo Bogetti, dedicated to the Fossanese craftsman who died last January, will be held on Sunday 19 November.

A day of sport and friendship in the name of archery, the great passion of Bogetti, historic archer of the Palio di Fossano, open to all archery federations. The day is organized thanks to the Archers of Porta Sarmatoria, the Wakinpajan Rebel Archers, the Pro loco of Fossano and the support of the Fossano Foundation and Savings Bank, with the patronage of the Municipality of Fossano. The proceeds from the event will be entirely donated to the “La favola di Marco” association.

It is, in some ways, a return. Following the race, in fact, there will be a boiled boiled lunch, which had now become a tradition known throughout Italy until the last edition of 2019. Then, the pandemic interrupted this habit, but now it is starting again, even in memory of Bogetti.

The presence of around 140 archers is expected at the start, coming from various Italian regions, as well as from Piedmont. “We are happy to propose this event again. Dad’s birthday would have been November 18th, the day before the Memorial, so it will really be a way to remember him with lifelong friends.

I am also happy to be able to say that some who unfortunately will not be able to participate in the event, because they are too far away for example, have nevertheless contacted me, making me feel their closeness and, in many cases, still paying the registration fee. A beautiful gesture of solidarity and charity” – explains Giancarlo Bogetti, Giacomo’s son.

2023-11-17 09:13:20
#Archery #1st #Yuyu #Trophy #Sunday #remembering #Giacomo #Bogetti


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