Green light from the International Board for tests on the temporary expulsion of players

Temporary expulsion could make its appearance in the world of professional football. This Tuesday, the International Board (IFAB), the body which manages the rules of the game and has the power to modify and innovate, decided to give the green light to tests for the implementation of expulsions of 10 minutes, inspired by what is done in particular in rugby.

“The Board agreed that temporary expulsion for protests against the referee or clear tactical faults should be experienced among professionals,” the IFAB communicated.

“The frustration among supporters is immense when they see a promising counterattack aborted by a tactical error,” Mark Bullingham, executive director of the IFAB, told AFP. And the question of whether a yellow card is enough to punish her made us wonder if the white card should also be an option. The goal is to improve player behavior at all levels. »

The IFAB will now have to ensure the establishment of a protocol for this experiment and the proposals for modification of the regulations should be examined during the annual general meeting of the body in March 2024. “We will see in which competition the tests can be carried out, said Mark Bellingham. Knowing that the temporary expulsion has worked well in the competitions where it has been introduced.”

In 2017, the IFAB authorized the implementation of temporary expulsion in amateurs, youth competitions, veterans and disabled football, leaving the decision to apply it to each federation and confederations.


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