Football: Rules keepers are planning fundamental changes in professional football

Football introduction of time penalties

Rules keepers are planning fundamental changes in football

Status: 29.11.2023 | Reading time: 2 minutes

Pack formation – the FIFA rules enforcers want to punish such scenes more drastically in the future

Source: dpa/David Inderlied

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FIFA’s rules committee is proposing far-reaching changes to professional football. This is intended to prevent waste of time and the formation of packs. The adjustments could take effect after the European Championships next year.

These are scenes that are now as much a part of playing football as the ball: with almost every decision, a pack of angry players gather around the referee and complain. Valuable playing time is spent discussing or intentionally wasted. Right now this will finally end up here.

The top football rules keepers want to test the introduction of time penalties. The International Football Association Board (Ifab) announced this after the meeting in London. It should also be tested that in certain situations, similar to rugby, only the team captains are allowed to speak to the referees. These measures are intended to increase respect for the referees.

Time penalties are also already common in handball as well as ice, field and indoor hockey. The referees there have had good experiences with this penalty, which is why they were tested in football in lower classes. Time penalties are already used in youth football. We will now discuss how a similar regulation can be tested at a higher level. This would give referees another sanction option in addition to yellow and red cards.

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Former world-class referee Pierluigi Collina, head of the referee commission at FIFA and a member of the Ifab technical subcommittee, warned after the most recent meeting: “It worked in the English amateur leagues, but now it’s about a higher level. We have to develop something that works and is worthy of top-class football.”

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Members were also informed of the “successful attempt” to equip referees with body cameras. This is intended to protect them from “serious misconduct”. In addition, the rules keepers would like to see greater attention paid in the future to reducing “interruptions in the pace of play”. This refers to the six-second rule for goalkeepers, the delay in the restart and the handling of injuries.

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A final vote will take place at the annual general meeting in Glasgow on March 2nd. If approved there, the changes will be incorporated into the rules of the game from July 2024.

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