Carrión’s firm response to the latest result: “I wouldn’t understand that we were in a slump…”

Carrión’s firm response to the latest result: “I wouldn’t understand that we were in a slump…”

Luis Carrión spoke to the media this morning in El Requexón, once again raising an optimistic speech that does not use injuries as an excuse.

The injured.

“There are some injuries but I don’t consider it a problem. The eleven that will come out will be good, those on the bench will be prepared. I would love to have everyone but I don’t see it as a problem.”

“The eleven will be guaranteed, it is not a problem. There are times when more injuries occur, there are three long-term injuries, but I trust my team. I have alternatives, and of level. It is an opportunity for those who have played fewer minutes. I am convinced that he will do well.

“We always try to find someone to blame for injuries. And there are many factors: the field, prone to injuries, the minutes, the physique… We must not look for culprits, but solutions. We have very good professionals in the medical service and in physical preparation. “I don’t stop for a second to worry, without regrets.”

Team style.

“I don’t think we lost any signs of identity against Mirandés. The team is recognizable. But against low blocks it has been difficult for us to be vertical in the last third. It was seen against Cartagena, for example. They marked us on first arrival and then it was difficult for us. You have to handle those situations. It is difficult for us to be vertical in the last phase, to generate superiority against teams that lock themselves in behind.”

“We all make mistakes, you have to analyze not justify yourself. Against Mirandés, a lot of us split up, putting people in the area, and that meant we were able to tie. In the tie play we had 6 or 7 players in the area. Then you analyze and see that we were going as if we had to win no matter what, that’s good, but going to win could make you lose a game. You have to know everyone’s part of guilt. And there is no need to beat yourself up. It is an upward evolution since we arrived and we must continue along that line.”

Disappointment with the result.

“If you knew how many times that has happened to me… You lose a game and it seems like it is no longer worth anything. It’s natural, I also get angry as a fan when my team loses. On Sunday we stopped but we did not turn back, we have to enjoy the path and let this path take us to the highest possible level.”

The Spanish

“It is a good team, in terms of names they have important people. But if you’re good, you can beat him; I am convinced. “With optimism we will have our chances of winning.”

“It’s a nice game for me, I already won with Cartagena in their field. I love them a lot, but I want to beat them anyway. I hope they do well.”

“Knowing Ramis, they will go up, they are structured well, it is a serious and reliable team. We work thinking that they will go up, if they change we will adapt.”

Accumulation of matches.

“We are going to watch tomorrow’s game, but my first week at Oviedo was the game against Valladolid and then three games in one week: Eldense, Huesca and Leganés. And we repeated the three games eleven and got 7 points out of 9. You have to be prepared for everything. We only think about Espanyol, then we will see the next rival.”

Santi Cazorla

“He started doing something on the field last week and I wanted him to be there for this week. But she hasn’t improved much, and now we’ll wait until she’s fine when she comes back. It is not serious, but we will wait for it to evolve, in one, two weeks or three weeks he will be with the team.”

The bands.

“We have people, without a band we are not going to play. With different possibilities: that a striker goes wide, Bretones has been extreme, Sesé too… They will play wing and they will be good.”

Attack closed teams.

“We have talked about it, the conditions are what they are. I think we have individual talent and the other day we didn’t bring it to light. With ten rivals behind the ball, you either create one against one or it is very difficult. Against Mirandés I had the feeling that it was a handball match, with nothing different. I want players to make mistakes in those situations. Let them look for it. The kids try, they are correct, they are good people, but we need them to not be so correct sometimes, to not be afraid of failing. I also tell you that the game changes because in a defensive situation we were not good.”

“It is difficult to lose a game against a low team, the normal thing is that you dominate and create chances. Against low blocks we played three: one we won, one we tied and others we lost.”

The morale of the group.

“I wouldn’t understand if the players are down. Football can’t be down. We are in the best position since I arrived, 12th. Our actions influence the joy of many people, but if we are happy, with our heads held high “We will function better. A happy team is much better.”

2023-11-30 09:37:30
#Carrións #firm #response #latest #result #wouldnt #understand #slump..


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