Bressols Judo Club Awarded Bronze Label for Excellence in Training and Values

The efforts are starting to pay off for the Bressols Judo Club, which has just been rewarded by the federal authorities. Throughout the year, the sports association places emphasis on training work from a very young age, as well as its ability to provide educators and sports commissioners with the best tools to succeed. Working on the tatami mats is appreciated, especially in this season when it is better indoors. The large dojo is currently in the expansion phase in order to better accommodate the 121 licensees, a rather flattering audience. From a very young age, practitioners benefit from very good practice conditions, which allows the award of the bronze club label, a label carried by France Judo which encourages clubs to develop: “This initiative aims to reward the most competitive clubs. more virtuous and more committed, by promoting their activity and their dynamics”, comment the club’s leaders. This bronze label, valid for a period of two years, is a great recognition of the work carried out over several years.

Judo is now one of the well-established disciplines in the village, where a whole host of sports are available to the general public.

The municipality is delighted with such dynamism in the associative ranks, and in particular in the development of the values ​​of sport.

Respect, trust, loyalty

In their kimonos, the judokas stay the course, defending the principles of judo, focused in particular on loyalty. Above all, we must understand that in judo, moral values ​​are much more important than the technique itself. Without mutual respect and trust, judo could not exist. Each practitioner must in particular have confidence in his partner, because it is he who executes the projection which causes his fall on the tatami. A poorly executed technique, a poorly controlled fall, and the risk of injury is increased. And no one pushed the doors of the dojo for that.

2023-11-09 16:12:07
#Bressols #Judo #Club #bronze


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