Barbastro Focused on Park Development and Pavilion Reform

Barbastro Focused on Park Development and Pavilion Reform


Barbastro will complete the Remembrance and Memory Park and will undertake the structural reform of the Ángel Orús Pavilion during fiscal year 2024 after the approval in the ordinary plenary session of this November 28 of two Credit Modifications of the Extended General Budget of 2022 under the modality of extraordinary credit financed with treasury remainder. The first of the two modifications (14/2023) has a total amount of 1,341,650 euros and includes four items (gardening, with 242,654 euros; street furniture, with 197,486.82 euros; public lighting, with 61,164 euros and urbanization works , with 321,493 euros). The second credit modification (13/2023) reinforces the budget with 600,000 euros that will allow the structural reform of the Pavilion, which houses three basketball courts enabled for the practice of indoor soccer, rhythmic gymnastics or badminton, has a gym, stands, multipurpose rooms and warehouses.

Reduce deadlines

After the expected signing this quarter of the 2023 Settlement, the amounts included in the modifications will be available to execute the actions contemplated during the next year. With this, and as explained by the first deputy mayor Blanca Galindo, the processing of two fundamental works for the city is expedited. The first, when completed, will provide Barbastro with a new green area located next to the current cemetery, property of the Cabildo. The first phase of the Remembrance and Memory Park is already completed and it will be in 2024 when a space will be completed that, as detailed at the time by the Councilor for Urban Planning, Lorenzo Borruel, will dialogue with the cemetery, providing new recreational areas and, also, new parking lots. The second of the actions will improve the conditions of a pavilion intensely used by local athletes that is already showing the passage of years.

The same modification of credit 14/2023 also includes 295,000 euros for investment in machinery, furniture and technical installations for Social Welfare and 223,850 euros to execute the access rackets to the new Municipal Cemetery, which is expected to come into service during the current mandate. and once its management system is defined based on the economic-financial study that was commissioned at the time and is pending technical evaluation and final political decision. Of the 295,000 euros allocated to Social Welfare, 220,000 will provide the Residence with a new boiler and the remaining 75,000 with beds and articulated chairs.

Sponging of the urban fabric in the surroundings of Caballeros Street

The ordinary plenary session of this month of November has also made it possible to approve the expropriation of two buildings on Caballeros Street (located at number 9 and number 11) which, once incorporated into the municipal heritage, will be demolished to sponge the urban fabric of the area at the same time that the same will be done with other properties on the same street already acquired by the council. “The ultimate goal is to create a public plaza in the area and renew a central and fundamental space for our city,” explains the mayor, Fernando Torres.

The resolution part of the Plenary has been completed with the approval of bonuses for the Construction, Facilities and Works Tax for three actions: the construction of the new MRI building at the Barbastro Hospital, the partial renovation of the Casa Amparo nursing home and the replacement of the exterior carpentry of the IES Martínez Vargas to improve the energy efficiency of the property. Finally, the session made it possible to approve the remuneration increases set by the PGE for 2023 and approve the accounting list of invoices 578/2023 for their allocation to the extended General Budget of 2022.


Seven proposed resolutions were put up for debate in the session. Four of them (one related to the healthcare situation of the Oncology Service of the Barbastro Hospital, another linked to the Association of Greater Hermanos Argensola, one more associated with unwanted loneliness and another in relation to the presentation of the 2024 Municipal Budget) have been presented by the Municipal Socialist Group. The Municipal Group of the Popular Party has presented two (against the processing of an Amnesty Law and against the territorial approach of the MHP Quim Torra) and En Común Cambiar Barbastro, one; regarding the Palestinian-Israeli war. Finally, the proposed resolution relating to the Oncology Service has been approved as an institutional motion urging the Ministry of Health to use the resources at its disposal to cover the vacancies that exist, the one linked to unwanted loneliness has been approved urging the council to collaborate with other institutions and organizations to work against this problem and the one related to the Association of Greater Hermanos Argensola, which they want to support with a premises, has also been approved. The motion relating to the Municipal Budget has been rejected with votes against the government team, which is finalizing the aforementioned Budget in these weeks with the intention of presenting it to the Plenary Session shortly, and the motion relating to the war in Gaza has been rejected. The two motions presented by the Municipal Group of the PP have been approved with the votes of the municipal groups that make up the government team.

2023-11-29 13:39:45
#Barbastro #complete #Remembrance #Memory #Park #carry #structural #reform #Ángel #Orús #Pavilion #Present


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