Analyzing the Silent Basketball: Uncovering the Inventor’s Patents and Exploring the Cross-Border E-commerce Community

Can anyone analyze this silent basketball? I haven’t seen an appearance patent. I wonder if there is an invention patent? – Know everything about cross-border e-commerce community

Posted 6 times, pinned 2 times, recommended 1 time, quality score 0 stars, 135 replies and interactions, historical communication popularity 45%, historical communication depth 0%

New market, changed the internal material to solve the problem of loud sound when practicing at home. I haven’t seen the appearance patent, and I don’t know if there will be an invention patent. The homogeneity is serious, and most FBMs have large price differences.

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Latest activity: 2 minutes ago Views: 143 Followers: 3 people

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Countdown: 15

2023-11-07 03:09:18
#analyze #silent #basketball #havent #appearance #patent #invention #patent #crossborder #ecommerce #community


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